Sending disinfection to Valencia fighting EHV-1
At this moment there’s a terrible outbreak of the EHV-1 (the neurological form) in Valencia. It started at an international competition some weeks ago and the people are desperate for help. Day and night they are fighting to save the life of their beloved horses and to try to prevent the transmission to the healthy horses. Every day my heart breaks a little more hearing the cries for help coming from riders, grooms and people who are fighting with them. With tears in my eyes I’m writing this message. Needing your help.
My goal is to get as many disinfection there as I can and we are already on the good way. But here is where I need your help. We need help with covering the costs of the machines that will be spreading the disinfection on the show ground, in the stables and wherever it’s needed. We are arranging a transport that will leave this Saturday with all the things needed to disinfect as much as they can.
to all the people who love horses and to all the riders, this is our time to stand together and work together. To show our loveto the people who are desperately needing our help. They can’t do it alone but together we can. We can’t let them down.
The rest of the money we raise will be used to sent more necessary products over there. But my first goal is preventing anymore transmission.
Dear donors,
In anticipation of the necessary expenditure on aid to Valancia by means of this letter I will send you a set-up on which the funds raised will be spent.
* Purchase of the equipment for disinfection purposes.
* Materials needed for on-site installation.
* Tools for installation
* Resources required for the transport such as: Diesel, tolls and drivers and other expenses
* Necessary travel costs for extern labour
* Required unforeseen expenses.
* Accommodation costs
Before the costs will be paid, Accountant Mr George Schagen AA of Sam Accounants in Rotterdam will be in control of all payments regarding the costs.
After all the costs are paid the final settlement will be published on the crowdfunding site by
Mr Schagen will draw up a declaration based on his profession regarding all costs.
I will travel to Valencia myself to coordinate the operation that we have a good overview regarding the arrival and installation of the necessary equipment and the costs and expenses.
Of course, I will pay these costs out of my own pocket.
I hope to have given everyone an insight into the expenditure on our project in Valencia and would like to thank you very much from my heart and also on behalf of the Riders, Grooms and all other involved people in this great horror situation that takes place between the animals we love so much and the sport that we enjoy and love so much.
With loads of love, Suzzie Ruiter