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Sensory Room for SEN children

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Hi, my name is Beatrice and my son Andre (in the photo) aged 6, was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when he was 2 years old. Andre from a young age always loved to smile but it was clear that he was special in his ways. Andre is non-verbal and is significantly delayed in his learning. Andre does not understand risk but loves socialising and playing with water. Andre is currently in a mainstream school and they do their best to manage his needs as part of his Education Health and Care Plan. Finding the right resources for a child with Andre`s high needs in a mainstream school is an issue and I know this is a challenge across many schools. To help them be able to continue to meet Andre`s needs and other children within the school with SEN needs, they need a sensory room to help the children depending on their needs. this will also be a place that can be used to reduce crises and help regulate individual emotions. Andre does struggle to express himself and this room will allow him to regulate his emotions and avoid getting to crisis.

The funds that will be raised will be put towards building a sensory room and purchasing other equipment that will support all the children within the school with SEN needs. I am passionate about making sure every child gets the right education and support despite their needs as this prepares them for their future and independence. I am an advocate for making the lives of children better.

Any contributions will be appreciated as this is a project that benefits children for many years to come.

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” — Chinese Proverb

On behalf of Andre, thank you in advance.



  • Dennis Machua
    • £20
    • 1 yr
  • Pauline Mbire
    • £10
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • £20
    • 1 yr
  • Anonym
    • £25
    • 1 yr
  • Gemma Hurrell
    • £10
    • 1 yr


Beatrice Kamau

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt