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Sergeant Scar's Army: Fund for Cancer Therapy

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Ken Scar touches people's lives in profound ways. Now, we need to help him through a little rough patch. Starting in late September, Ken will have to spend five weeks in Houston -- 900 miles away from his kids, his friends and his work -- receiving intensive therapy for prostate cancer. That's five weeks' worth of room, board and travel that's not covered by insurance, plus costs that are unpredictable but inevitable -- on top of the daily expenses that will continue at home in South Carolina.

Ken wouldn't ask for help, and he hasn't, but I convinced him to let his friends help him as a favor to us. And I truly believe it's our honor to help the man behind so many great stories, the hero behind making other people heroes. The initial goal of $2,500 is modest, especially considering how many friends Ken has around the world. All the funds collected will be related to his cancer treatment, which includes at least one pre-treatment visit and followups. 

Ken is a remarkable father, an amazing co-worker and my friend and brother. If you know him, I know he's touched your life. And he's probably touched the life of someone you know, so share this with your network.  Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

-- Clinton Colmenares
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    • 5 yrs
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Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Sergeant Scar's Army (3)

Clinton Chili Colmenares
Pendleton, SC
Ken Scar
Ken Scar
Team member
Shannon Robert
Team member

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