Seriously Injured Diving Champion
My beloved friends all over the world.
My name is Evangelos Stefanos Tzivopoulos and i am a member of the Greek National diving team,World Masters diving champion,European champion,PanAmerican Champion and President of theHellene clavadistas diving in San Antonio Texas.
I am doing this GoFundMe for my beloved friend/team mate and National and International Junior Champion Androgeos Sampsakis.
Androgeos is 17 and is an extremely sweet and talented kid. He is the Greek and Balkan champion this year and a very promising athlete.
Androgeos had a terrible accident.Since then he is in a very serious condition he had 2 surgeries and he needs our help immediately.
For the reasons that we all can understand I can't describe all of his condition at this time. He is unable to walk or use his legs and hands. I promised my self that i will quit this only when I will have done everything for this kid.
His family and Androgeos need more than anything your support to collect the funds to be able to travel abroad once he is stable to get another chance In life and if God agrees with us to stand back to his feet.
I am in full comunivation with his parents and i have the Greek light from them to run this fundraiser and help with whichever way i can.
Please please help with your funds as soon as possible.
Once he will be stable without fever and he can get the green light he has to immediately travel to a spine special center.
Please support us and may The Lord bless your lives