Nation.Cymru Fundraising
Thanks to your help, our website Nation.Cymru is now publishing.
If you enjoy our output and would like to see us continue to develop in the future, please contribute through this page.
In order to close the ‘democratic deficit’ that exists in Wales, we need to create a Welsh public sphere.
Unfortunately. Wales suffers from a lack of a national English-language news media.
The goal with Nation.Cymru is to set up a community-driven national news website, run and contributed to by volunteers, and with any money made invested back in the website.
Any money donated will be invested back into the website. The more we raise, the better the website will be. If you're interested in expanding the Welsh national conversation, please donate a few pounds.
I would be very grateful for your help.
For a fuller explanation for the need for this site please click here: http://ifanmj.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/setting-up-nationcymru.html
Er mai yn y Saesneg yn bennaf yw'r safle, gan bod diffyg gwasanaethau newyddion cenedlaethol yn yr iaith honno, rydym yn cynnwys erthyglau Cymraeg ochr yn ochr a'r Saesneg. Y bwriad yw normaleiddio gweld cynnwys yn yr iaith Gymraeg, a chynnig cymhelliad ychwanegol i ddarllenwyr ddysgu neu wneud defnydd o'r iaith.