Seth Simmons accident relief
Thank you for taking your time to visit our little brother's page. On an ordinary day, Seth was doing what he loves most, working on a boat. Little did he know his life was about to change in an instant.
While he was focused on his task, a branch fell from a tree above and struck him on his head. The people around him said they heard the crash & ran outside to find our brother laying on the ground, unconscious. Thanks to some quick thinking, the ambulance was called. The paramedics saw the severity of the injury & called to have him Life Flighted to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center. A Life Flight is what they use for severely injured patients that need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.
Tensions were high but that amazing staff went right to work. Seth has a severe traumatic brain injury. He was diagnosed with subdural & epidural hemorrhages as well as temporal and parietal bone fractures. This means his skull was fractured above his ear and on the top side of his head with bleeding in two parts of his brain. After monitoring Seth and doing a CT scan the doctors told us that he needed emergency surgery to stop the bleeding, and rushed him immediately to the OR. Everything was very touch & go for awhile. After surgery the doctor told us that the force of the branch caused the skull fracture and ripped the tissue that surrounds the brain to protect it and caused bruising to the brain. We are very lucky though that the brain wasn't punctured. They said we wouldn't know the extent of his injuries until he woke up, but we were just thankful that he was alive.
The next day after surgery, Seth was sedated and had a breathing tube because he couldn't breath on his own. We were all holding our breath and praying for him. Wednesday afternoon was when they tried to wake him up. After some difficulty, he got the breathing tube out and finally spoke a little bit. He knows who he is and who we are but is confused about what happened to him and keeps asking why he is in the hospital. The doctors are very happy with the progress he has made so far but he still has a long road of recovery ahead of him. He is still in intensive care but will hopefully be stable enough to move into another part of the hospital soon. After which he will have to stay for a couple weeks in inpatient rehab before he is able to go home.
The money raised from this GoFundMe will be used to cover all the immediate & unforeseen needs that this shock has sent through his entire life. We are so grateful for all of you who have kept Seth in your
thoughts and prayers. This is a very difficult time, & we appreciate any & all the help you can give. We have all the faith that Seth will come through this and be himself once again.
Thank you very much,
Seth's loving family