Setter Sponsors
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Illinois Birddog Rescue's pre-adoption vetting includes very important blood work to look for tick borne disease in our rescue dogs. In 2018, based on repeat testing we are 100% for infections on incoming dogs and especially in our heartworm positive dogs. The diseases we are finding and treat include Babesia, Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. When we draw blood for the tick panels we also do Complete Blood Counts and Chemistries to check the overall health of our dogs. Retail cost for this life saving blood work can cost $300+ per dog and many dogs need repeated blood work.
I am trying to raise funds to help many Setters that have come into our program and need extra care and ongoing care including :Olivia , Cherokee , Lord Palmerston , Precious , Phoebe and Bette. Tick borne disease is epidemic in our Setter population and the blood work we do helps these dogs live longer pain free lives.

Olivia still struggles with her tick borne diseases and needs annual blood work and medication to help her feel better. She was heartworm free in 11 months of slow kill treatment.

Cherokee was an owner surrender that came in with terrible anxiety, allergies, a heart murmur and a chronic ear infection. He is doing much better since he started treatment for Lyme disease.
Lord Palmerston came into our program with heartworms and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. He is doing well with our slow kill heartworm treatment.
We are still working on helping Precious get ready for her dental and major mammary surgery. She is the sweetest little dog.
Phoebe is a Setter/Aussie mix that had hours to live in an over crowded Danville, IL shelter. She is being treated for tick borne disease and is feeling so much better.
Bette is our newest Setter rescue. She was dumped at a farm in Southern Illinois and has had litter after litter. She has so much potential but is being treated for tick borne disease.
We hope we can raise some much needed funds to help these dogs get better. Thanks for your support!!
I am trying to raise funds to help many Setters that have come into our program and need extra care and ongoing care including :Olivia , Cherokee , Lord Palmerston , Precious , Phoebe and Bette. Tick borne disease is epidemic in our Setter population and the blood work we do helps these dogs live longer pain free lives.

Olivia still struggles with her tick borne diseases and needs annual blood work and medication to help her feel better. She was heartworm free in 11 months of slow kill treatment.

We hope we can raise some much needed funds to help these dogs get better. Thanks for your support!!
Lisa Spakowski
Wood Dale, IL
Illinois Birddog Rescue