Shamanic Ceremony for Wildlife
Greetings, I am Rose De Dan of Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing. I am a professional Reiki/shamanic animal healer and animal communicator.
For nine years I have traveled in ceremony to collect the prayers of wildlife so that the people and the animals can co-create a more balanced way of living together.
The impact of climate change is being felt by everyone, and the voices of the animals are calling us to ceremony.
Photo: Coyote Song
This will be my sixth year traveling in ceremony through Yellowstone National Park. According to my guides Yellowstone is an important part of the ceremonies because it is the first National Park created in the U.S. and from a shamanic perspective that means it is linked to all the other parks.
In shamanism all is connected, so the animals that call Yellowstone home are also connected to their wild cousins worldwide. The potential for positive shift through these ceremonies is huge, and it is work that I am honored to be a part of.
Photo: Buffalo Herd enjoying a run
In past years all the expenses for travel, lodging, food, etc. have come out of my pocket.
Unfortunately, personal health issues, veterinary issues for my animal companions, and other life challenges have drained my reserves and created significant debt. Despite clear signs that the animals are expecting us again this year, I no longer have the means to do this without the support of community.
My guides asked me to trust and ask for support, which I am doing here.
So, in trust that the money will manifest, I leave Friday, September 27 for 10 days for another journey in ceremony with the wildlife of Yellowstone.
I would be so grateful for any support offered. No amount is too small.
I have never done a GoFundMe before, but it looks like I can post updates here. So, as thanks to everyone supporting this journey, I will do my best to post daily photos, short stories and videos from the road so that you all can be a part of the journey. I may miss a day or two as wifi and cell coverage is non-existent in some areas we will be staying, but then you will have double posts when I am back in range (-:
And I will add a prayer stick during the final ceremony in representation of everyone who offered support. The more people who join their prayers with the animals, the greater the potential for shift!
Photo: Grandmother Buffalo
In the meantime, here are some of my stories from past years:
Return of the Buffalo: Visions and Ceremonies
A Walk on the Wild Side, Part 1
Gathering Elk, Eagle and Coyote Prayers
Grandmother Buffalo and the Buffalo Jam
From myself and all the animals, our gratitude in advance for your prayers and support for this journey!