Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Shane Rogers

Spende geschützt
On the morning of Sunday May 13th 2018 Shane Rogers passed away suddenly and unexpectedly.  Shane was a very hardworking,  loving family man.  Shane was the kind of person who put everyone else's needs ahead of his own.  For anyone that knew Shane, they knew he had a huge heart and only ever wanted to make you laugh. He was dedicated to providing for his best friend and partner Holly and his mother Loretta. 

With all of the emotional pain and stress that a death brings, it also brings financial burdens. We are trying to raise money for Holly and Loretta to help with any costs that will incur and to help wherever needed.

Shane leaves behind his best friend Holly, mother Loretta, father Brian, brother Matthew, sister in law Kristen, Father in law Ted, and brother/sister in law Teddy and Shelly as well  as his two nephews and two nieces whom all loved him dearly.

It is in these times of loss and sadness when you see people coming together to help one another make it through, to support the people we care for.  We are thankful for any support you may be able to provide them.


  • Angela Godossis
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Montana Anatnom
Holly alain

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt