Shaner Family House Fire Help
Rick, Jeana, Blake and Brody suffered a catastrophic loss today. Without even shoes on their feet, they escaped their house as it was engulfed in flames. They lost everything, including their precious dogs Boomer and Coco.
This past year they have been faced with several unexpected hardships. Jeana had a melon-sized tumor removed from her uterus and then shattered her entire leg. She is still using crutches. As you can imagine, she has had to miss a tremendous amount of work due to this. And all of this was after Covid.
This family is incredibly strong. They are so thankful that the four of them made it out safely. No matter how strong you are, rebuilding is still so hard. First and foremost we ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers. And second, we ask that you please help them during this unimaginable time.
Thank you.