Shanti Yoga Recovery Fund
As many of you know, on Monday, August 20th Shanti Yoga was involved in a structure fire on the 7200 block of Manchester. Our neighbors at Harmony, Health + Healing suffered severe damage as well our downstairs neighbors at Penzey's Spices. As a result, Shanti Yoga has suffered severe smoke damage.
We have overwhelming gratitude for the Maplewood, Webster Grove, Rock Hill, Richmond Heights and St. Louis City Fire Departments for saving our small business. We also extend our kindest regards to the 6 AM teacher and students for calling in the fire and staying to support their yoga home.
Many of you have asked how you can support us in this time of transition. My immediate response was, DO. YOGA. Then I realized, not everyone who wants to support us actually DOES yoga (and that's okay too!).
Our small business will optimistically be out of working order for at least one week. Our hopes is that we can return on Monday morning ready to roll out our mats. However, there is significant smoke damage to the ceiling and we are uncertain if this will need to be replaced yet or not. We anticipate and appreciate your flexibility moving forward, as there will likely be noise from repairs next door and to our rooftop. We have looked at other spaces in the event that we would need to relocate somewhere else during this time. We hope that we don't have to, but the future is uncertain.
What is certain is that this is a challenge financially for many,
In fundraising for our studio, you are helping to pay teachers a wage while they are out of work. This helps us to cover our insurance deductible and loss of business during this time. We are working to salvage our props. So far the blankets have been okay, but we are still unclear about replacing our bolsters, eye pillows and mats. In addition, I would like to raise enough money to support our tenets next door who run massage therapy businesses, counseling services and my own coaching practice all of which have had to cancel clients this week.
Please consider even the smallest donation to help offset these expenses. We appreciate your support and encouragement as we move forward.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
In Health + Gratitude,
Katie Kelly & Your Shanti Yoga Family