Shaving my head to raise awareness for Endometriosis
Hello, my name is Brodie Reekie. I am a 21 year old from East Lothian and I was diagnosed with Stage 3/4 bladder endometriosis on the 2nd December 2023.
Before stumbling across endometriosis on Google, I didn’t know what it was or any symptoms to look out for. Like most people with endometriosis, I was told “it’s just a bad period” or “it’ll get better when you get older”. For this reason, and since I have been diagnosed, I have wanted more and more people to know and learn about endometriosis.
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women, with an average of 7.5 years after onset of symptoms to getting a diagnosis. I am raising money for The Endometriosis Foundation because they have the resources to educate people by raising awareness, providing trusted and transparent information, education and support.
This will happen on the 18th of June 2024.
Brodie Reekie
The Endometriosis Foundation