On the night of January 19th, my neighbors Joan and John's sheep and hay barn burned down due to an electrical fire. They lost 7 ewes and 10 lambs, along with all of their hay for the winter, supplies and grain. They still have ewes and rams to feed, and winter months when they'll need hay. Those of you who don't know Joan and John--they are kind, generous, hard-working people who have taken care of their community for many years, have housed people who were homeless, given work to people looking to work, provided an area of retreat for various groups, opened their home to anyone and everyone (including me), organized and given Christmas and birthday gifts and parties to a personal care home in Clarksville, PA for years, and have provided lamb to our community. Whoever knows them, loves them. It has been a terrible loss for them, and I'm hoping we can raise enough money to off-set the costs of hay, ewes, and lambs lost in the fire. Any additional funds would be used to help with grain, supplies, rebuilding, new & safe electrical wiring, and to offset costs while the new barn is being built. Please donate whatever you can. Every dollar counts. If you're local, you can also donate directly, through the township.
Ewes: (cost of raising) $50/yr x 7 ewes = $350
Lambs: $250/lamb sold, 10 lambs = $2,500
Hay: as much as possible (estimate of 500 bales)