Sheri Love
Donation protected
Our names are Wendy, and Amy Love. Our beautiful mom Sheri Love, passed away late Friday evening after a very short, courageous battle after being diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive cancer called leiomyosarcoma. This cancer stole her life and ripped her of the time she deserved here. The medical system failed her, and by the time we actually found out what was going on, it was too late. With everything transpiring so quickly, she was not prepared to leave us so soon. She was only 66 years old, and literally the toughest woman to have roamed this earth, full of zest and spunk. She had so much left to do here and now my sister and I are left to pick up the pieces. We have been faced with an extreme amount of expenses concerning the house, 4 horses, dogs, a parrot ect..Prior to her diagnosis, she remortgaged the house leaving us to resume extremely large payments. We don't have the equipment to maintain the property. We need help, point blank. Our mom loved this house and every inch of this property. She raised us here, and same with my kids, and the soon to be newest addition to our little family who is on her way in just a month. My sister and I have , for the last 7 months rearranged our lives and had to leave jobs and homes behind to be here for our mom. Our lives have changed dramatically and we are kindly asking that even if you can donate the smallest amount, it will be greatly appreciated. Upon her request, we are burying her on the property. Selling, moving.. NOT AN OPTION. This is her final resting place. We appreciate any and all donations. Share share share.
Wendy Love
Forestville, NY