New Shoes for the Kids
Tax deductible
New shoes for the kids! That's the goal, and we want to meet it in November.
Right now, there are 64 children who are experiencing homelessness and staying in a shelter at Cornerstone. Their families are in a transitional time and need many types of support. And one of the things the kids need, is new shoes.
With the money donated, we take the family to a local department store and let them pick out their own shoes!
For the kid, walking into school with a new pair of shoes, shining bright, its such a great feeling.
We are looking to raise $50 per kid, and there are 64 kids to get shoes for. Sometimes young kids shoes are cheaper than shoes a teenager would want, so it averages out.
Please consider donating today to make that possible!
FYI, your donation is tax-deductible.
To find out more about the organization, go to http://ccolife.org, or CCO on http://facebook.com/cornerstonecommunityoutreach.
Cornerstone Community Outreach