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Show solidarity with the Athens Checkpoint!

Donación protegida
In the evening of March 12th, 2019, part of the Athens checkpoint was destroyed by a criminal and allegedly homophobic arson attack that left its premices in the situation you see on the picture above. 

Luckily, none of our friends and colleagues were harmed - but a unique service for anyone needing access to HIV combination prevention and support in Athens is now destroyed. The Athens checkpoint accounts for more than 33% of HIV tests and more than 30% of new HIV infections identifications in Greece. Our friends and colleagues, our values, our beliefs have been attacked. We cannot accept that. Now is the time to show solidarity.

Please make a donation and show us and our Athens friends that you stand by them, that you join the huge movement that is gathering around them, and that we all want the Athens checkpoint to reopen now. Every donation counts.

Our efforts are already supported by the following organizations:

Checkpoint Zürich

Checkpoint Waadt

Checkpoint Geneva

Checkpoint Berlin 

Checkpoint Basel

Checkpoint Bern

Checkpoint Bologna

Checkpoint Lisbon

Checkpoint Barcelona


National Aids Trust, UK



Kantonsspital St.Gallen

Iskorak, Croatia

Münchner Aidshilfe

Aidshilfe Schweiz

Stiftelsen Helseutvalget, Gay & Lesbian Health Norway

Sigma Research, London

and Hornet app


  • Roald Sokolovskis
    • €550
    • 5 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (3)

Bertrand Audoin
Paris, A8
Benjamin Hampel
Team member
Will Nutland
Team member

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