Shree Krishna Hospital
Tax deductible
2017 was my first time visiting Shree Krishna Hospital located in Karamsad, India where my grandfather grew up. Many members of this community are among some of the poorest in the world. The amount of poverty I witnessed was staggering and eye-opening. Therefore, I have taken the initiative to raise awareness about this hospital and its impact.
Shree Krishna Hospital, located in the town of Karamsad, Gujarat seeks to provide "an ideal environment for rest and recovery". Shree Krishna does not charge a fee for outdoor consultations and medical advice for their general services. Nor do they charge for stay or diet in their general wards. They also do not turn away a single emergency case and even offer substantial discounts in treatment cost to those living below the poverty line, women, and children.
For much of the community that this hospital serves, one stay at a hospital can financially ruin them, which is why Shree Krishna needs our assistance. A little goes a long way so anything will help! Thank you for taking the time to simply read and learn more about this cause.
-Anjani Waters
Anjani Waters
Alexandria, VA
Charutar Health Foundation Corp