Shreece’s funeral and daughters 4th birthday
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My beautiful cousin shreece lost her battle to Covid on 8th October leaving her 3 year old daughter behind.
Any donation are really appreciated and will go toward her funeral and Realle’s 4th birthday that’s coming up on 6th November to give her the party her mom would of wanted.
On 16th August Shreece and her partner went out for the night and sadly she caught Covid, she went to hospital as she was struggling to breath and was told she needed to stay in so they could keep an eye on her. Her condition got worse and they made the decision to put her into an intensive care unit and they put her to sleep.
While she was asleep she was on dialysis for her kidneys, oxygen for her lung, blood pressure support and she had blood clots near her heart, she also caught numerous infections so had to take antibiotics.
Shreece had diabetes so her immune system was weaker than normal so this affected her illness with Covid even more.
They tried to wake her up on a few occasions but each time she got worse and they had to put her back to sleep.
On 7th October her mother received a phone call from the hospital asking her to go up, her brother, sister, mom and auntie were allowed to see her for an hour before sat them down to tell them she had a 2% chance of making it through the night but they sent them all home.
On 8th October shortly after 6:30am her mom received another call to say she was deteriorating every minute so had to go back up. We all got calls to go up so her headed up to them. Unfortunately only 5 people were allowed in to say there goodbyes, luckily she got to hear her babies voice before passing and her mom and brother were there to hold her hand until the end.
Shreece was the perfect mother to Realle, the perfect daughter, sister, partner, niece, cousin, granddaughter and friend, she will be missed by everyone that knew her, her smile lit up every room she was in and her laugh was so beautiful.
Shreece Ford 29.07.1995 - 08.10.2021 fly high angel
We will love you forever & miss you always.
You will never be forgotten and Realle will know all about the perfect person you was and still are ❤️❤️
Stephanie Strong