Help Sierra with her Launch
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Hello, I am Sierra Neblina and I want to share my personal story with the world. I have been working on my AutoBiography for 5 years now. It has been a roller coaster ride at every turn. I hope not only to get my book published but I intend to also hire a screen writer to help me write a screen play that can be made into a Documentary about my life. I want to hire several professionals to help me launch this book and I am asking if you would consider donating to my cause.
Are you being called to support Light workers and people who are assisting with the Ascension? Do you feel the subtle and gentle nudge to find a place where your contributions are felt by people around you? Are you ready to jump in at the ground roots level of something that you believe in? Are you looking to start having your heart guide you in what to put your financial energy behind, that empowers the masses? Then I urge you to take a moment and look into what I am creating in the world, take a look at the details of this campaign and why I created it and then I would like you to ask yourself, if this is something that you would like to spend your hard earned funds on, because you support what you see here. I would ask you to take just a few moments to connect with me, with my energy, my heart and my intention, and then consult your own inner guidance to see if you are moved to put your energy in this with me. There are a couple of ways to support this campaign, you can share it with your family and friends, or you can donate.
In turn I would like to thank you from the depth of my heart for taking time out of your busy day and for your willingness to take a look at what this project could do for you and for humanity. And I would also like to offer you access to some of my work, for your time and your donation.
UPDATE: 5-13-15
Since I have launched this campaign I have gotten a lot of mixed responses. I have an awesome support group out there and I have received a lot of love for launching this. To you all I send my deep and heartfelt gratitude. The other side has responded with what seems to be a lack of understanding as to why my full time job is not as conventional as theirs. I would like to address this with you all openly and honestly.
About Me:
In 2012 I took on the full time work of providing support to individuals who needed help in areas ranging from; contact support, abduction support, ascension support on down to life coaching for goals they set for themselves. I have worked with thousands of people who have sought me out to help them on their path- at no charge.
If you have not heard of me or do not know what I have ‘been up to’ I would like to bring some light to who I am and how I have been spending my time.
In short, I am a Pleiadian Ambassador who volunteered to come to the planet to assist during the great shift we are experiencing. When I came here I didn’t remember all of who I was but as my extraordinary life unfolded it was undeniable that I came here for a purpose and that I had a story to share.
My path to the public’s eye began with the Starseed hotline back in 2009 when I was looking for support for an experience that I later came to understand was a Walk-In. I was surrounded by high strangeness, constant ET contact and I had a past with the Greys that I didn’t initially want to share with anyone. The Starseed hotline brought me in and I volunteered my time with them for almost three years. I started off by operating their radio show switchboard, then I became a host with two other women on the show. I took the time with this team to digest my strange life experiences and started to accept that I may have something to offer people in the way of support due to the fact that I had been through so much myself.
In August of 2011, I met a man that would change the way I looked at my life and story, Richard Dolan. I met Richard when the Starseed Hotline team went to the ‘Wake Up Now’ Conference in Albuquerque, NM. I shared my unfolding story with Richard and he encouraged me to write my auto-biography, stating that the world should know my story. I started the process of the book back then and it has now taken front row in my life. It is important to release it ASAP.
In 2012 the Starseed Hotline decided to lead a trip to the South of France and we partnered with Kathleen McGowan and Filip Coppens for the focus of walking in the footsteps of Mary Magdeline in the south of France. It was a trip that changed my life and the way I look at my story in the big picture. It also brought important people into my life that have been a big influence on me and my work. I became fast friends of Filip and Kathleen and I was again encouraged by them to get my story out there for the world to see. I still look to Kathleen for support with my writing project since Filip’s passing.
Before I left to the south of France with the Starseed hotline I received a call from Graham Dewyea from the InLight Radio team. He had heard me talk about my life on the Starseed Hotline and he wanted me to come on his radio show ‘Our Galactic Family’ to speak further about my experiences. I did so just before I left for France. When I returned, I came home to messages from Graham about the unexpected and huge response from the radio program he and I did and he wanted to know if I would come onto the InLight Radio team to host a show with Dave Schmidt called “Lets Talk 2012”. I said that I would agree if we could call it “Lets Talk 2012 and Beyond”, as I knew that’s how it would actually be.
I left the Starseed hotline and joined the 2012 Scenario team and the InLight Radio team in June of 2012. I also came home to an almost overwhelming number of emails and FB messages from people who had heard my interview with Graham and wanted, no needed my help! I spent day and night answering every single email and message.
I was told by Arch Angel Michael on my trip to France that the day would soon come where I needed to quit my 9-5 job as the Director of the Humane Society in Cottonwood, AZ and come to the full time aide of the people on the planet.
On the faith that I would be supported, I did as I was asked to do and I resigned my position just a month after getting home from France.
I worked at least 60-70 hours per week during 2012 just answering emails and FB messages from people desperate for answers. I did so at no charge. I still do the same thing now- online and in social media for anyone who needs my help.
I struggled at first to keep up with the demand. I had to develop the ability to work the long hours on the computer assisting others. Soon, Steve Becow (the owner of the 2012 Scenario blog) and I decided after a long conversation about my ties to Arch Angel Michael and messages I was receiving from Him, that we would team up and bring a conference to Sedona. It took just 10 weeks to pull together two back to back conferences that were a huge success. At the end of the conferences I parted ways with the 2012 scenario team. Dave and I created our own show on Blog talk “Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond.”
When the conferences were over, I was asked to co-host a trip to Egypt for 12-12-12. The group was huge- 80 people and it was going to be for the entire month of December. I jumped at the chance to go, as Kathleen and Filip were also going (I missed my two good friends) and I wanted to see Egypt. Unfortunately Kathleen and Filip did not make it to Egypt. Filip was suddenly very ill and spent the entire time in the hospital while we were gone. He passed away shortly after we returned home. I miss you terribly Filip. Your guidance and words of wisdom are still with me today as I prepare to launch my book.
The beginning of 2013 brought a whole new set of challenges. After only a few months on the air with Dave, I acknowledged the calls from many of my followers to create a radio show with just me and my perspective. I went into deep meditation and received the instruction to start a whole new platform in which to launch a new way to support people. My guidance told me to start GalacticUniversity- GalacticU for short, so, I redesigned my website. GalacticU is also a play on words to insinuate ‘the Galactic in YOU’. I knew it was something I could get behind.
I was told that it would be a multi-media platform that I could build to support others. It started with the website and then I extended it to my radio show platform. Eventually, with your help, I want to extend it to online classes and an online TV network.
In 2013, I set out to launch my new platform by producing the Ascension Rising Conference in Sedona, AZ. I had such success with the first two conferences, what could go wrong? Well, after building a connection with thousands of people through the 2012 Scenario and the two conferences, I found out that my attempt to access those people would not be allowed. I had lost access to those people and my radio show link had been removed from their website. It was on me to build back my audience. Needless to say, my conference didn’t sell out like the previous ones. I did everything I could to get people involved but at the last minute I was overwhelmed with the impossible task of funding it. Instead of canceling it, I ate the $20,000 cancellation fee from the resort and rescheduled the Ascension Rising Conference to later in 2013.
The conference came together and I loved the bonds that were formed between the people who attended. We had amazing speakers who came because they wanted to support me, not because I was paying them. They believed in the messages and the timing of the conference. By the end of it I was $35,000 in debt. My life savings was gone. I wanted to put my head in the sand and not come back out. I loved what we had accomplished but it had taken a huge toll on me. I found myself looking for a new home and my next direction. I turned to Arch Angel Michael. I was told to move to southern Colorado, my home. I went to college in Alamosa, CO and I know this area to be teaming with UFO activity. On a wing and a prayer (and help from some amazing Light workers) I moved to Colorado and purchased 5 acres of raw land where I now live off the grid.
For 8 months I took a break from the radio show because I had no means to broadcast off the grid and also because it was time to get my hands dirty. I came up here and cleared a small section on the land. I started to build on it with my own tools and knowledge. Before my stroke in 2007, I was a Builder in Summit County Colorado. I have been remodeling/building for most of my life and now it was time to build my own little slice of heaven.
2014 was hard for me. Soon, I had received enough emails and FB messages about bringing my radio show back that I got motivated again. Eventually I discovered a way to use my cell phone as a hot spot to power my laptop for the radio switchboard. Now, for every broadcast I drive down the road about 10 minutes to get reception, sit on the side of the road with my cell phone & a borrowed friend’s phone, to call in for the show in order to bring you GalacticU Radio Network.
About GalacticU Radio Network:
At the end of 2014 I met Justin Deschamps and Julian Robles from the Stillness in the Storm Blog and invited them to have a radio show on GalacticU Radio Network. Since then I have added 3 more radio programs totaling in 5 programs on the network!
Just to emphasize, I do not get paid for any of the work that I do on the radio network and all of the shows are free to listen to. I’d like to share the weekly breakdown of the time it takes to execute these shows:
Each radio show takes at least an hour to schedule. I then individually post the show’s link to many social media groups before the show starts which takes at least 45 minutes. Every show lasts for 2 hours. During each show and throughout the day after, I go back and look at all responses or comments left by people to see if anyone requires more info or answers from me. I do this FOR EVERY SHOW. I do it for every link I ever post on social media. I follow this procedure for ever post I make on social media. I also look to see if anyone shares my links. If they have, then I go and leave a personal thank you.
The time I volunteer just for my radio show platform alone requires a minimum of 35 hours a week. Lately I have been broadcasting extra shows to help promote my fellow Light workers and projects. I have also been asked lately to appear on several other radio shows which has taken an additional 5-10 hours to post and follow up on comments or shares.
Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this so that you can get a clearer picture of who I am, my mission and why I am asking you to support the GalacticU platform as well as help me to launch this book. I gave up a regular life back in 2012 to make myself more available to people and to provide the most support possible. Reciprocally, I rely completely on my community and I’m deeply grateful for your support!
I am also looking to expand my website GalacticU.com in conjunction with the release of my book this summer.
I want to expand GalacticU to a mulit-media plat form to include an active blog, a quesion and answers section, a youtube channel, of free information to empower poeple during the times we are in leading up to Disclosure.
My secondary wish is to expand my GalacticU Radio Network platform on Blog Talk Radio into a TV show platform. I recently moved off Grid in the mountains of Southern Colorado and I wish to also raise the money needed to be on solar full time to complete my book, my documentary, and to expand GalacticU Radio and the GalacticU.com website.
With this in mind I have a list that I would like to share with you so that you may see what I am raising money for:
Book Editor
Fomating for Kindle and ebook
Graphic Artist
500 copies of hard copy to autograph
THIS IS WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOU for your generous donations:
$5 - GalacticU Level 1: A personal thank you from me and access to the meditation video I created to train you to contact your own Spirit Guides and Higher Self.
$12 - GalacticU Level 2: Thank you, a Digital copy of my book when its released and access to my meditation video.
$25 - GalacticU Level 3: Thank you, a Digital copy of my book, access to the meditation video and access to two teleconferences: Unlocking Ascension and Magic Egypt.
$50 - GalacticU Transporter: Thank you, Digital book, meditation video, access to the teleconferences, and the 3 days of speaker videos of the 2013 Ascension Rising Conference I hosted in Sedona.
$100 - GalacticU Stargate: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the teleconferences, the 2013 Ascension Rising Conference videos and a signed copy of my book in paper back.
$150 - GalacticU Counsel: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my paperback book and a 1/2 hour recorded Skype call with me.
$200 - GalacticU Advisor: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my paperback book and a 1 hour recorded Skype call with me.
$500 - GalacticU Ambassador: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my Hardback book and a 2 hour recorded Skype call with me.
$1,500 - GalacticU Commander: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of hardback book and I will spend a whole day with you +1 here in Southern Colorado with the day personalized to your spiritual quest ending in a UFO watch. Food, Lodging and travel is on you.
$2,500 - GalacticU Fleet Commander: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my hardback book and I will lead a 2 day workshop here in the SLV on UFO and Galactic contact for you and 5 of your friends, with each night in the field on UFO watches. The San Luis Valley is known around the world as the UFO hotspot. Food, Lodging and travel is on you.
$5,000 GalacticU High Council: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my hardback book and I will come to you for a speaking engagement for your group or a one day Workshop and possible UFO watch at night if the conditions allow.
Are you being called to support Light workers and people who are assisting with the Ascension? Do you feel the subtle and gentle nudge to find a place where your contributions are felt by people around you? Are you ready to jump in at the ground roots level of something that you believe in? Are you looking to start having your heart guide you in what to put your financial energy behind, that empowers the masses? Then I urge you to take a moment and look into what I am creating in the world, take a look at the details of this campaign and why I created it and then I would like you to ask yourself, if this is something that you would like to spend your hard earned funds on, because you support what you see here. I would ask you to take just a few moments to connect with me, with my energy, my heart and my intention, and then consult your own inner guidance to see if you are moved to put your energy in this with me. There are a couple of ways to support this campaign, you can share it with your family and friends, or you can donate.
In turn I would like to thank you from the depth of my heart for taking time out of your busy day and for your willingness to take a look at what this project could do for you and for humanity. And I would also like to offer you access to some of my work, for your time and your donation.
UPDATE: 5-13-15
Since I have launched this campaign I have gotten a lot of mixed responses. I have an awesome support group out there and I have received a lot of love for launching this. To you all I send my deep and heartfelt gratitude. The other side has responded with what seems to be a lack of understanding as to why my full time job is not as conventional as theirs. I would like to address this with you all openly and honestly.
About Me:
In 2012 I took on the full time work of providing support to individuals who needed help in areas ranging from; contact support, abduction support, ascension support on down to life coaching for goals they set for themselves. I have worked with thousands of people who have sought me out to help them on their path- at no charge.
If you have not heard of me or do not know what I have ‘been up to’ I would like to bring some light to who I am and how I have been spending my time.
In short, I am a Pleiadian Ambassador who volunteered to come to the planet to assist during the great shift we are experiencing. When I came here I didn’t remember all of who I was but as my extraordinary life unfolded it was undeniable that I came here for a purpose and that I had a story to share.
My path to the public’s eye began with the Starseed hotline back in 2009 when I was looking for support for an experience that I later came to understand was a Walk-In. I was surrounded by high strangeness, constant ET contact and I had a past with the Greys that I didn’t initially want to share with anyone. The Starseed hotline brought me in and I volunteered my time with them for almost three years. I started off by operating their radio show switchboard, then I became a host with two other women on the show. I took the time with this team to digest my strange life experiences and started to accept that I may have something to offer people in the way of support due to the fact that I had been through so much myself.
In August of 2011, I met a man that would change the way I looked at my life and story, Richard Dolan. I met Richard when the Starseed Hotline team went to the ‘Wake Up Now’ Conference in Albuquerque, NM. I shared my unfolding story with Richard and he encouraged me to write my auto-biography, stating that the world should know my story. I started the process of the book back then and it has now taken front row in my life. It is important to release it ASAP.
In 2012 the Starseed Hotline decided to lead a trip to the South of France and we partnered with Kathleen McGowan and Filip Coppens for the focus of walking in the footsteps of Mary Magdeline in the south of France. It was a trip that changed my life and the way I look at my story in the big picture. It also brought important people into my life that have been a big influence on me and my work. I became fast friends of Filip and Kathleen and I was again encouraged by them to get my story out there for the world to see. I still look to Kathleen for support with my writing project since Filip’s passing.
Before I left to the south of France with the Starseed hotline I received a call from Graham Dewyea from the InLight Radio team. He had heard me talk about my life on the Starseed Hotline and he wanted me to come on his radio show ‘Our Galactic Family’ to speak further about my experiences. I did so just before I left for France. When I returned, I came home to messages from Graham about the unexpected and huge response from the radio program he and I did and he wanted to know if I would come onto the InLight Radio team to host a show with Dave Schmidt called “Lets Talk 2012”. I said that I would agree if we could call it “Lets Talk 2012 and Beyond”, as I knew that’s how it would actually be.
I left the Starseed hotline and joined the 2012 Scenario team and the InLight Radio team in June of 2012. I also came home to an almost overwhelming number of emails and FB messages from people who had heard my interview with Graham and wanted, no needed my help! I spent day and night answering every single email and message.
I was told by Arch Angel Michael on my trip to France that the day would soon come where I needed to quit my 9-5 job as the Director of the Humane Society in Cottonwood, AZ and come to the full time aide of the people on the planet.
On the faith that I would be supported, I did as I was asked to do and I resigned my position just a month after getting home from France.
I worked at least 60-70 hours per week during 2012 just answering emails and FB messages from people desperate for answers. I did so at no charge. I still do the same thing now- online and in social media for anyone who needs my help.
I struggled at first to keep up with the demand. I had to develop the ability to work the long hours on the computer assisting others. Soon, Steve Becow (the owner of the 2012 Scenario blog) and I decided after a long conversation about my ties to Arch Angel Michael and messages I was receiving from Him, that we would team up and bring a conference to Sedona. It took just 10 weeks to pull together two back to back conferences that were a huge success. At the end of the conferences I parted ways with the 2012 scenario team. Dave and I created our own show on Blog talk “Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond.”
When the conferences were over, I was asked to co-host a trip to Egypt for 12-12-12. The group was huge- 80 people and it was going to be for the entire month of December. I jumped at the chance to go, as Kathleen and Filip were also going (I missed my two good friends) and I wanted to see Egypt. Unfortunately Kathleen and Filip did not make it to Egypt. Filip was suddenly very ill and spent the entire time in the hospital while we were gone. He passed away shortly after we returned home. I miss you terribly Filip. Your guidance and words of wisdom are still with me today as I prepare to launch my book.
The beginning of 2013 brought a whole new set of challenges. After only a few months on the air with Dave, I acknowledged the calls from many of my followers to create a radio show with just me and my perspective. I went into deep meditation and received the instruction to start a whole new platform in which to launch a new way to support people. My guidance told me to start GalacticUniversity- GalacticU for short, so, I redesigned my website. GalacticU is also a play on words to insinuate ‘the Galactic in YOU’. I knew it was something I could get behind.
I was told that it would be a multi-media platform that I could build to support others. It started with the website and then I extended it to my radio show platform. Eventually, with your help, I want to extend it to online classes and an online TV network.
In 2013, I set out to launch my new platform by producing the Ascension Rising Conference in Sedona, AZ. I had such success with the first two conferences, what could go wrong? Well, after building a connection with thousands of people through the 2012 Scenario and the two conferences, I found out that my attempt to access those people would not be allowed. I had lost access to those people and my radio show link had been removed from their website. It was on me to build back my audience. Needless to say, my conference didn’t sell out like the previous ones. I did everything I could to get people involved but at the last minute I was overwhelmed with the impossible task of funding it. Instead of canceling it, I ate the $20,000 cancellation fee from the resort and rescheduled the Ascension Rising Conference to later in 2013.
The conference came together and I loved the bonds that were formed between the people who attended. We had amazing speakers who came because they wanted to support me, not because I was paying them. They believed in the messages and the timing of the conference. By the end of it I was $35,000 in debt. My life savings was gone. I wanted to put my head in the sand and not come back out. I loved what we had accomplished but it had taken a huge toll on me. I found myself looking for a new home and my next direction. I turned to Arch Angel Michael. I was told to move to southern Colorado, my home. I went to college in Alamosa, CO and I know this area to be teaming with UFO activity. On a wing and a prayer (and help from some amazing Light workers) I moved to Colorado and purchased 5 acres of raw land where I now live off the grid.
For 8 months I took a break from the radio show because I had no means to broadcast off the grid and also because it was time to get my hands dirty. I came up here and cleared a small section on the land. I started to build on it with my own tools and knowledge. Before my stroke in 2007, I was a Builder in Summit County Colorado. I have been remodeling/building for most of my life and now it was time to build my own little slice of heaven.
2014 was hard for me. Soon, I had received enough emails and FB messages about bringing my radio show back that I got motivated again. Eventually I discovered a way to use my cell phone as a hot spot to power my laptop for the radio switchboard. Now, for every broadcast I drive down the road about 10 minutes to get reception, sit on the side of the road with my cell phone & a borrowed friend’s phone, to call in for the show in order to bring you GalacticU Radio Network.
About GalacticU Radio Network:
At the end of 2014 I met Justin Deschamps and Julian Robles from the Stillness in the Storm Blog and invited them to have a radio show on GalacticU Radio Network. Since then I have added 3 more radio programs totaling in 5 programs on the network!
Just to emphasize, I do not get paid for any of the work that I do on the radio network and all of the shows are free to listen to. I’d like to share the weekly breakdown of the time it takes to execute these shows:
Each radio show takes at least an hour to schedule. I then individually post the show’s link to many social media groups before the show starts which takes at least 45 minutes. Every show lasts for 2 hours. During each show and throughout the day after, I go back and look at all responses or comments left by people to see if anyone requires more info or answers from me. I do this FOR EVERY SHOW. I do it for every link I ever post on social media. I follow this procedure for ever post I make on social media. I also look to see if anyone shares my links. If they have, then I go and leave a personal thank you.
The time I volunteer just for my radio show platform alone requires a minimum of 35 hours a week. Lately I have been broadcasting extra shows to help promote my fellow Light workers and projects. I have also been asked lately to appear on several other radio shows which has taken an additional 5-10 hours to post and follow up on comments or shares.
Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this so that you can get a clearer picture of who I am, my mission and why I am asking you to support the GalacticU platform as well as help me to launch this book. I gave up a regular life back in 2012 to make myself more available to people and to provide the most support possible. Reciprocally, I rely completely on my community and I’m deeply grateful for your support!
I am also looking to expand my website GalacticU.com in conjunction with the release of my book this summer.
I want to expand GalacticU to a mulit-media plat form to include an active blog, a quesion and answers section, a youtube channel, of free information to empower poeple during the times we are in leading up to Disclosure.
My secondary wish is to expand my GalacticU Radio Network platform on Blog Talk Radio into a TV show platform. I recently moved off Grid in the mountains of Southern Colorado and I wish to also raise the money needed to be on solar full time to complete my book, my documentary, and to expand GalacticU Radio and the GalacticU.com website.
With this in mind I have a list that I would like to share with you so that you may see what I am raising money for:
Book Editor
Fomating for Kindle and ebook
Graphic Artist
500 copies of hard copy to autograph
THIS IS WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOU for your generous donations:
$5 - GalacticU Level 1: A personal thank you from me and access to the meditation video I created to train you to contact your own Spirit Guides and Higher Self.
$12 - GalacticU Level 2: Thank you, a Digital copy of my book when its released and access to my meditation video.
$25 - GalacticU Level 3: Thank you, a Digital copy of my book, access to the meditation video and access to two teleconferences: Unlocking Ascension and Magic Egypt.
$50 - GalacticU Transporter: Thank you, Digital book, meditation video, access to the teleconferences, and the 3 days of speaker videos of the 2013 Ascension Rising Conference I hosted in Sedona.
$100 - GalacticU Stargate: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the teleconferences, the 2013 Ascension Rising Conference videos and a signed copy of my book in paper back.
$150 - GalacticU Counsel: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my paperback book and a 1/2 hour recorded Skype call with me.
$200 - GalacticU Advisor: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my paperback book and a 1 hour recorded Skype call with me.
$500 - GalacticU Ambassador: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my Hardback book and a 2 hour recorded Skype call with me.
$1,500 - GalacticU Commander: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of hardback book and I will spend a whole day with you +1 here in Southern Colorado with the day personalized to your spiritual quest ending in a UFO watch. Food, Lodging and travel is on you.
$2,500 - GalacticU Fleet Commander: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my hardback book and I will lead a 2 day workshop here in the SLV on UFO and Galactic contact for you and 5 of your friends, with each night in the field on UFO watches. The San Luis Valley is known around the world as the UFO hotspot. Food, Lodging and travel is on you.
$5,000 GalacticU High Council: Thank you, Digital book, meditation Video, the 2 teleconferences, the 2013 ARC, a Signed copy of my hardback book and I will come to you for a speaking engagement for your group or a one day Workshop and possible UFO watch at night if the conditions allow.
Sierra Neblina
Fort Garland, CO