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Sierra the French Bulldog needs hip surgery

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Asking for help to get Sierra the French Bulldog's hip surgery.

This is my friend's sweet little baby girl, her name is Sierra.

Sierra is only 1 year old. The normally playful puppy recently stopped playing and walking and started having accidents in her bed  because couldn't get up by herself. 

At the vet they discovered her hip was out of place ( see x-ray)  She was taken care of and sent home only for her hip to dislocate again. The vet says she has hip dysplasia and will require a femoral head ostectomy on both hips in order to repair the defects in her hips.  She is in constant pain and is too young of a puppy to give up on. 

She's such a sweet and loveable girl and we can't stand to see her suffer, any help is so appreciated. 

 Thank You so much for helping me!

                       Love Sierra ❤️


Palm Harbor, FL

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