Silver Spring-Takoma Park Covid Funds
We can support our community during these challenging times. Please consider donating to meet the needs of local Silver Spring families.
With the Covid-19 pandemic and closures, a lot of people are without work or safety net. This is especially true for immigrants who often work difficult, essential, and underpaid jobs. Food pantries are seeing huge increases in demand and a drop in donations. Many who have contacted us are young mothers looking for diapers and help feeding their families. With all this, it’s all the more important that we do what we can to support our neighbors. Supporting each other is the best we can do to keep us all safe and healthy.
We formed a Silver Spring mutual aid group to help respond to the needs in our local community. We have a pool of volunteers and a call-in helpline. We’ve distributed over $2,300 in grocery cards since March. In addition to gift cards, we have connected people with local nonprofits, done check-ins by phone for isolated and elderly folks, assisted with the Maryland Health Connection, obtained used computers for kids, and organized grocery delivery.
The more we do, the more demand grows, and we know that we are helping with vital community needs. None of us are paid to do this work, so all funds raised go towards meeting basic needs that are especially difficult during this crisis. $10,000 would help assist many more families during the next crucial uncertain months.
Thank you so much. Your donation will help keep people, and the whole Silver Spring community, safe and healthy.
If you are in need of aid, please call or text our (English speaking) helpline [phone redacted] or reach out via email [email redacted].
Si necesite apoyo, llámanos o envía un mensaje de texto a la línea de ayuda (se habla español) [phone redacted] o envíanos un correo electrónico [email redacted].
In Solidarity,
Silver Spring Mutual Aid