Simply On Her Way to Work
Hi, my name Elizabeth and I am posting this with Amanda. We are fundraising to help a young friend of ours after she experienced a horrifying accident just days before leaving for college. She is a junior at NAU (Northern Arizona University) getting her degree in Social Work. Izabella is a scholarship student who works very hard at school and at her job. She was in a scary accident on the way to work on August 4th, 2021. We are hoping to help her get a car to replace the one that was totaled. She had no car payment on her old 4-Runner and we are hoping to fundraise enough money for her to pay for a snow-safe vehicle, outright.
Izabella is at home recovering after a few hours at the hospital. No signs of broken bones or internal bleeding, but further evaluation is going to be needed. Mentally, Izzi is suffering. We would like to take some of her anxiety off her plate by helping her with this fundraiser. Stop reading here if you don't want the accident details, thank you.
Izzi was turning left, a car ran a red light and hit her. Her 4-Runner went into a spin and then nothing worked. Her brakes did not work. Her emergency brake did nothing. The car would not turn off. The video above is after she had gotten out of the car.
She saw sparks and smoke from the engine and decided to jump out of her, formerly trusted, 4-Runner. She jumped from the car and her poor 4-Runner ran over her lower back/pelvis area. She proceeded to get up and walk to the church on the corner where gentlemen were working on the landscaping. They did not call for help. A kind, off duty EMT stopped, rendered aid and called 911.
At this point, Izzi's mother had received a call from Izzi's boss, saying she hadn't showed up for work. She jumped in her car intending to drive the route that Izabella would have taken when the police called.