$60k stolen from our Family's investment fund.
Donation protected
Hello everyone!
The spring of 2021 we had a HUGE financial loss from an investment that was to help our kids with college and our retirement. We got into cryptocurrency and everything was looking good investing wise. I know the saying " Don't put in what you can't afford to lose". Which I was 100% aware of, except for what happened to us, the unexpected !
One day I went to check my account and it went from almost $75k that morning down to $2k that afternoon. Right then I knew I was hacked, but how. I immediately told my wife and noticed my phone said no sim. I've done alot of research before this happened and had a good idea that it was from "sim swapping". My wife got on the phone with our phone company and I then seen my account go from $2k to $450. It was turning our stomachs in so many knots it was hard to focus on what was happening. I had to run up to the store to get a new sim and quickly get back to regain access of my phone but it was too late. In a matter of minutes we lost nearly everything we had in the account. What do we do now?
We made a police report that night. My wife went to the FBI who basically laughed at her for it "only" being $75k. We were able to have the secret service and a different FBI branch help and investigate. I work retail, that's almost all we had for our family! As of now, still no luck on getting any money back, and it doesn't sound like we will. I had a friend mention to start a gofund me page because there are still good people out there. Praying for a miracle !
Also, Coinbase did nothing to help. They have no live customer service and their emails are automated. Please be aware of this! They will not help you get your money back! Crypto is becoming a big deal and I don't want this to happen to anyone!
Please get ahold of your cell phone company to add more security to your account. Set up two pin numbers and ask for an in person sim swap verification only!
Bethany, OK