Singing Against Domestic Violence
Since the lockdown began I’ve continued to run Cantando FVC Choir rehearsals online and although I’m missing these gorgeous women, the rehearsals are working. At the moment we are rehearsing a new song, for us, and will be recording this during next week. I thought putting this recording out on social media would be a great time to start raising some money for an absolutely amazing charity Aurora New Dawn.
Aurora New Dawn is a registered charity giving safety, support, advocacy, and empowerment to victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and stalking. When we come out of lockdown we will also be doing a gig at our home The Jolly Sailor in Southsea and proceeds from this gig will be doing to Aurora New Dawn too. So I thought why wait a week why not start collecting and raising money for this cause now?
Domestic violence has double since the lockdown began and the women and children in these situations need charities like Aurora to help. Cantando FVC Choir would really love your support in helping this Hampshire based charity. If you can, please donate xxx The Jolly Sailor Southsea Cantando Female Voice Community Choir Aurora New Dawn