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Skate Odyssey: Pushing from Germany to Greece against Cancer

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Hi, my name is Kyriakos Antoniadis, but you can call me Kyri.
I am 26 years old, born in Munich, Germany, and raised in Chania, Crete, Greece.
Last year, in late August, I was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). It manifested locally in my left sinus, creating a huge lump (Chloroma / Sarcoma) on the roof of my mouth.
I immediately began intensive chemotherapy from September 2023 to March 2024, which I successfully completed, allowing me to get back on track.
During my therapy, I had a narrow escape from death due to a combination of sepsis (a blood infection) and a lung infection, which landed me in the intensive care unit for about a week.
During that phase, I experienced many spiritual moments, which helped me discover Chad Caruso's videos (Pushing Across America). These videos inspired me to challenge myself by planning and executing this trip for a noble cause:
Helping and Providing for others.
I will be posting the whole journey on Instagram and Tiktok, so feel free to follow my journey there, or on my website:
All funds raised will be donated after the trip ends and organizations will be chosen by me and the viewers!
Help fund various cancer organizations with their goals, curing various forms of cancer for good!


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    • 40 €
    • 8 Mo
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Kyriakos Antoniadis
Munich, Bayern

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