SkillUpDelphia Gravestone Gifting
Tax deductible

You can make a difference by donating today to Building Better Masonry Skills Development Program's SkillUpDelphia Gravestone Gifting Project where we train Philadelphia-based young adults in the fundamentals of masonry and skilled trades via the creation of gravestones and monuments then gifting them to financially distressed families who recently lost loved ones. #SkillUpDelphia
BB Monuments is proud to announce our BB Monuments Foundation which is a nonprofit organization that helps families that are in need of assistance with purchasing a headstone for their loved ones.
The senseless crimes that are committed in our community puts a lot of families in distress, so we are striving those families who really need it most!
Log on to https://Bbmonuments.org for more information.


Troy Richards
Lansdowne, PA
Building Better Masonry Skills Development Program (Bb Monuments)