Sky Dive for APP
My story of PPP was recently published by Women’s Health magazine UK. I developed postpartum psychosis after the birth of our son Joshua in 2016.
Three years on, I’m still recovering and keen to do anything I can to raise money for the charity which has helped me and my family so much on our journey, APP (Action on Postpartum Psychosis). I have benefitted so much from the peer support programme in particular and the opportunity to meet other women near me who have been through a similar mental health crisis to me. Recently I attended training to become a peer support worker myself in our local area.
I have to admit the idea of skydiving terrifies me as I’ve inherited my Dad’s vertigo, but I’ve learnt that fears take up as much space as you’ll give them, so I’m keen to overcome the fear and jump to help other ladies in the future who will need the support of APP in their lives. Please help me raise money for this amazing cause! Every donation will help. My husband Greg will be jumping with me. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means such a huge amount to us.
More information about Action on Postpartum Psychosis: Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) is the National charity for women and families affected by Postpartum Psychosis (PP). PP is a severe mental illness which begins suddenly following childbirth. Over 1,400 women experience PP each year in the UK (1 to 2 in every 1,000 mothers). APP run an award-winning peer support service, develop patient information, offer training to frontline health professionals, facilitate research and promote greater public awareness of PP and campaign for improved services. One of the organisation’s main aims for this year is to ensure that postpartum psychosis is covered as standard in midwifery training.
Three years on, I’m still recovering and keen to do anything I can to raise money for the charity which has helped me and my family so much on our journey, APP (Action on Postpartum Psychosis). I have benefitted so much from the peer support programme in particular and the opportunity to meet other women near me who have been through a similar mental health crisis to me. Recently I attended training to become a peer support worker myself in our local area.
I have to admit the idea of skydiving terrifies me as I’ve inherited my Dad’s vertigo, but I’ve learnt that fears take up as much space as you’ll give them, so I’m keen to overcome the fear and jump to help other ladies in the future who will need the support of APP in their lives. Please help me raise money for this amazing cause! Every donation will help. My husband Greg will be jumping with me. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means such a huge amount to us.
More information about Action on Postpartum Psychosis: Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) is the National charity for women and families affected by Postpartum Psychosis (PP). PP is a severe mental illness which begins suddenly following childbirth. Over 1,400 women experience PP each year in the UK (1 to 2 in every 1,000 mothers). APP run an award-winning peer support service, develop patient information, offer training to frontline health professionals, facilitate research and promote greater public awareness of PP and campaign for improved services. One of the organisation’s main aims for this year is to ensure that postpartum psychosis is covered as standard in midwifery training.
Ele Cushing
Action on Postpartum Psychosis