Skydive for pupils with PMLD at Palmerston School
Jessica is a phenomenal young lady. She is braving this fantastic feat on 20th March 2022 to raise money for our local SEN school Palmerston School to benefit profound and multiple learning disabled pupils.
Here's a quick introduction for those who don't know Jessica.
Jessica is a young lady who wants to mark turning 18 in a unique way. Jessica was born with Down syndrome and associated learning and physical disabilities and has already led an awe-inspiring life. She survived open-heart surgery as a newborn to correct three large holes which were threatening her life, and at the age of 4, she developed a heart block and was fitted with a pacemaker to keep her heart beating. She has battled the pressures of mainstream life with a huge smile, and she is a successful model, actress and singer/songwriter.
She has been close to death on more than one occasion, and she doesn't take the gift of life for granted. Jessica has always had a "get-up and grab life" attitude, so when she first said she wanted to do a skydive, no one was surprised at all!
Whilst researching making her dream a reality, it was quickly apparent that there are not many (if any at all) young ladies with Down syndrome in the UK who have ever done a skydive. For this reason, she has chosen the date of 20th March, which is the day before World Down Syndrome Day, observed internationally on 21st March every year.
Jessica plans to raise as many funds as possible for profound and multiple learning disabled (PMLD) pupils at the fantastic secondary school Palmerston School in Liverpool. In the PMLD cohort, students are aged 11 to 19, and most students are wheelchair users. They are largely non-verbal, have limited mobility to access their environment and have significant medical needs. The funds raised will be used for essential equipment to be used in class to enrich the school experience for pupils with PMLD, helping pupils access lessons and explore the world around them, including new technology, improving therapies, trips out, interactive toys.
Jessica's Mum, Nicola, is an Additional Needs Support Assistant in Palmerston School, and Jessica has always taken an interest in the students she supports. Jessica has visited pupils in Palmerston School many times and has always left feeling so inspired by the joy and happiness in classes that she too wanted to do something to bring smiles and help make life opportunites more accessible.
Please help Jessica achieve this lifetime dream and deliver some much-needed funding for our friends in the PMLD cohort of Palmerston School.
You can make a difference by donating today to THE FRIENDS OF PALMERSTON SCHOOL.
Nicola Houghton