Small Family Business Attacked by Looters
*Please help Hair Town (5804 W North Ave., Chicago, IL 60639) recover from the looting*
On Sunday afternoon on May 31, our family owned business Hair Town was completely looted and destroyed by violent rioters. We are located in Uptown, Chicago.
Before we could even fully mourn for the deaths of our Black American brothers and sisters including George Floyd, my father-in-law Mr. Yeo and our family had to face a different kind of grief.
Mr. Yeo, otherwise known as Deacon Yeo, took a giant step and followed his American Dream in his fifties when he brought his wife and children to the United States in 2009.
Mr. Yeo and his wife worked tirelessly and faithfully day and night to maintain and grow Hair Town, which is their only source of income. Like many other immigrant families, they put their blood, sweat, and tears into this business to continue their life in the States and support their family.
It only took a blink of an eye for the product of their long years of work, pain, joy, and life to be senselessly destroyed.
Please help my family restore Hair Town, a business that has been serving the people on W North Ave for over 10 years. Not only would your aid and care help revive the store, but also our normal lives as well. Your support would mean so much to us. ** Prayer, words of encouragement, financial support, or any kinds of support will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
지난 5월 31일 주일 오후, 시카고 업타운에 위치한 헤어타운(5804 W North Ave. Chicago,IL 60639)이 폭도들에 의해 완전히 약탈당했습니다.
조지 플로이드를 비롯한 수많은 이들의 죽음들을 미처 다 애도하기전에 여박문집사님과 그의 가족들은 또 다른 슬픔을 맞았습니다.
여박문집사님은 쉰이 넘은 나이에 아내, 두 아들과 함께 2009년 아메리칸 드림을 가지고 시카고로 이민을 오셨습니다.
가정의 단 하나뿐인 수입원이자 삶의 터전인 헤어타운을 여집사님과 그의 아내는 부지런히 가꾸고 성실히 일해왔습니다.
긴 세월간 두 분이 가꾸어 오신 사업이 송두리째 날아가기까지는 채 한시간이 걸리지 않았습니다.
10년이 훨씬 넘는 오랜시간 W North Ave를 지켜온 헤어타운의 복구를 도와주세요.
**기도, 물질적 후원,어떠한 도움과 격려도 큰 힘이됩니다***