Smart Food Locker Startup
Lavii, INC is a smart technology company with a vision to make everyday experiences simple. Our first product offering is a smart food locker for restaurants that provides a simple, secure and seamless pickup process for their customers and third-party services. With our simple, yet efficient process, customers and third-party services can pick up their online order and exit the restaurant in less than 30 seconds.
Prior to the pandemic, our product was a great market fit because of the many benefits that it provides for the restaurant pickup process. Although COVID has proven that our product and process addresses the many problems and concerns that restaurants and customers face, we will still continue to adapt and improve where possible.
Every startup has it set of expected challenges, however, coming in to 2020 we never expected to release our first product in the midst of a pandemic. Like many others, we were forced to adapt and change our existing operations. As a result, we had to build, test, and deploy a new product within the restrictions that the government enforced. Additionally, external factors such as cancelled conferences, lack of face-to-face opportunities, and a struggling economy impacted our ability to reach prospective customers and forced us to readjust our marketing strategy. Believing every challenge presents an opportunity for growth, we refused to let our circumstances deter us. Through our perseverance, we were able to successfully launch our pilot program, bringing us one step closer to providing our solution to customers around the world.
A lot of restaurants are currently implementing an open shelving system for pickup, but this fails to address the real concerns. Customers are tired of long lines, cold food, searching through orders, or being confused on how to pick up their food. In today’s world, safety and convenience are top priority for restaurants and consumers, and there’s finally a solution to make fast food, fast! With your support, we can bring our new way of pickup to restaurants near you!