Single Mom Survival Fund
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My name is Sandra and I started this go fund me page for my best friend Kantrese. Since I've know Kantrese she been a helper, a giver and a doer. She's a motivated, caring and happy person. She has a loving spirit and is always the first one to volunteer and help others even when dealing with a life long illness, going through a divorce, suffering debilitating migraine headaches to the point of passing out and so much more! Kantrese is an excellent mother. Her daughter Noëlle is one of the most respectful and well behaved children that you would ever want to meet! Despite her learning disability she is an HONOR student and has received numerous academic awards! She's also a loving child that cares about others. For the past five years Kantrese has spent countless hours organizing the annual 5k fundraising event for her daughter's school. Not only does she organize it and manage the volunteers, when people signed up on the committees to be in charge of certain portions of the event they would usually back out leaving her to essentially do ALL of the work. In order to get it all done sometimes she would go without sleep for 2 or 3 days at a time! Despite this happening year after year she still continued to organize the event and didn't complain. She was actually given an award by her daughter's school for all that she does. I think that's a testament to what an amazing and dedicated mother and person Kantrese is!
I really can't say enough good things about her, she's truly a phenomenal person and when people meet her they're drawn to her bubbly and warm spirit. One of the great things about her is that if she tells you she is going to do something you know it's as good as done! Whether she's known you for years or just met you, if she says she will help you her word is her bond! So many times when people say they're going to help you or do something for you......they don't. Kantrese is a genuine person with a heart of gold and I couldn't ask for a better friend!
She's been going through a LOT over the last couple of years and experienced an unforseen loss of income after getting severely injured which resulted in her being on bed rest for 2 months and on crutches. Now on top of everything else she's going through she's going to be without electricity, gas, phone, internet, car insurance, a car, money to put gas in her car and possibly a place to live. Kantrese has been doing her best to work from home doing freelance jobs. When trying to get work outside the home she has encountered scheduling issues due to her needing to take her daughter to school and pick her up (she has no one to take/pick her daughter up). As a parent you can't very well say to a young child make it to and from school the best way they can because you have to go to work! When the scheduling works out she's being turned down for jobs for being over qualified which is disheartening when you're just trying to make money to support yourself and your child. She was able to be a substitute teacher at her daughter's school when they needed her (because she was there volunteering regularly and the students, teacher's and staff adore her) but that wasn't a steady income and stopped before the summer started.
Although she has a documented life long illness that impacts her functionality she has been turned down for disability assistance as well as state assistance. This page is a LAST resort. I decided to create and name this page the Single Mom Survival Fund because Kantrese is a single mom who's just trying to survive and make it! The goal is to raise money to help her get caught up on her gas/water bill, (so she can cook for her and her daughter, wash) car insurance, (so she can keep her car to get her daughter to and from school, get to job interviews, the supermarket, etc...) have money to put gas in her car, (it can't run on air) car repairs, (her car has been acting up for some time and without it she can't get around) electric bill, (you need electricity for everything of course) car insurance (you can't drive without it) phone, (potential jobs/clients and her daughter's school need to be able to contact her) internet (she needs to be able to apply to jobs which is mainly done online, do freelance jobs whenever they come, her daughter needs it for school work, etc...).
Once she is caught up and makes the necessary repairs to her car she needs to have money left over to maintain those bills while still trying to acquire employment. Kantrese is NOT a lazy person by far! She's worked since the age of 14 to help support her family, working 3 jobs at one time at some points in her life because it's what she had to do! She has been a Photographer at an amusement park, a Cleaner at bed and breakfasts as well as offices, a Recruiter, Cashier, Sales Rep, she worked her way up from an animal Care Technician to the Director of Business Operations for the Human Society for 6 years, Substitute Teacher, Business Owner, Virtual Assistant, Website builder and Internet Marketer. She also has 2 degrees, one in Criminal Justice the other in Paralegal Studies but hasn't been able to utilize either one.
When you see someone doing their best to get ahead but continuously getting pulled back down it's time to step in and HELP if you can. Whether it's $100 or $1 every little bit helps, anything you are able to give for Kantrese and her daughter is GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Blessing to anyone reading this.
It has been brought to my attention that not everyone wants to send a donation through Go Fund Me, some would prefer an alternative donation option. If you would like to use PayPal please contact me on here and I will give you the verified PayPal email address to send it to. If you choose PayPal your donation will still be added to the donation total.

Sandra Howard
Brooklyn, NY