Sonar and Dive Equip: Missing Persons Underwater
Donation protected
Please donate to fund Sonar Search & Recovery efforts to support the Mission to Recover the Missing. Our team has been 100% self funded to date; & is in need of financial support to continue the search.
Needs include:
OTS Guardian Full Face Masks to protect our Divers who are currently exposed to biological hazards & chemical hazards in the water.
ERDI Full Face Mask Training - for above gear, already scheduled for May 1-3. Some teams buy the gear & don't train. We believe in training, and handling the problem at depth. Our Dive Credentials include technical Trimix gas to 165ft depth, & Full Cave/Overhead Environments.
ERDI Public Safety Diver Training for Insurance purposes & Clearance by some agencies to dive alongside Law Enforcement & First Responders as we did with Hillsborough County Sheriff's Dive Team.
Garmin GPSMap Sonar - slight upgrade from our current Garmin UHD units. Allows Law Enforcement & Support Staff to remotely view scans from a registered phone or tablet from shore. This will also allow us to build a small Sonar ROV.
Sonar ROV - fabricated from welded aluminum & remote control boat parts, this custom piece of equipment will allow us to Sonar Scan smaller scale bodies of water, such as the one where Robert Heikka was found.
Operating Funds - "Fuel, Food, & Fortress"
Expenditures to keep us on the road. A place to sleep (we welcome invites by AirBnB property owners in our search areas). Food on the road. Fuel for vehicles & vessels. Lithium Ion Batteries. Dive Cylinder fills. Camera Memory Cards. You will NOT see our donor's funds used for non-search personal sundries.
We are currently financially limited to 1 multi-day search trip per Quarter. We often search close to home in Tampa Bay or Brevard County during weekdays & weekends. Our best success occurs on multi-day targeted searches with the Full Team there to launch multiple boats, leapfrogging, & splash multiple divers.
To Locate, Identify, & Preserve
Underwater Deceased Victims & Evidence;
Coordinate / Assist Law Enforcement &
Emergency Management Officials for
Recovery of
Victims-Vehicles-Vessels & Evidence,
Provide Closure Acceptance Criteria, &
Grief Processing Support for Loved Ones.
Visit our site for full details...
ReconDiveRecovery <--LINK
Recon Dive Recovery
Melbourne Beach, FL