Sophia Estrada Pancreatic Cancer Fundraiser
Fiscaal aftrekbaar
"Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone, engage with the pain as a motive." — David Le'aupepe
When I was younger, I was incredibly challenged in math, almost comedically so. From fourth grade on, I was offered a tutor, and thank God for that tutor because Mary Claire became more than a teacher to me. As the years went on, we became friends, quickly becoming family. She adopted me, or I adopted her; either way, we loved each other very much. Confidant is an oversimplification, but for the means of time, we’ll call her one of the best confidantes and supporters any person would have the privilege of having. She was a perfect example of strong, female empowerment, which encouraged me to take risks and have fun, even when life felt out of control. Mc was one of the best listeners that comes with a lifetime of caring for others and a lack of ego. She may have started as a tutor for math, but she taught me so much more than I can ever verbalize.
In November 2021, Mc was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As many know, pancreatic cancer is a swift and angry disease that takes lives very quickly. Mc died in March 2022 after a dignified and almost elegant battle. She never once dropped her head in surrender and was perfectly defiant, even until the end. Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake encapsulates the poise and determination Mc both lived and died by, and I firmly believe that a woman like her comes around once in a lifetime. I am genuinely grateful to have had the privilege of knowing and growing up with Mc. My only hope is to continue her legacy by trying to be a more understanding, kind, hilarious, well-educated, revolutionary woman who was always on the right side of history.
When I started this journey, in all honesty, I was looking for a 10K. I googled run for pancreatic cancer, and while 10K’s came up, nothing was as perfect as the Berlin Marathon, September 25th, 2022. Through this marathon, I hope to raise money to donate to Project Purple, an organization whose mission is to find a cure for Pancreatic Cancer. Mc spent much time abroad, teaching and, as she used to say, learning as well, and she had many stories of Berlin. September 25th happened to be the day before her wedding anniversary, and honestly, it felt like Kismet. Mc would have wanted me to try something new and explore a new part of the world in her honor.
My mission is to turn the death of my Swan into an act of courage and a way to give back in the most Mc way; by traveling and taking action. If I can donate to a cause that may save good people like Mc, or her loved ones from missing her as deeply as we all do, then I am so proud to be a part of this change.
Sophia Estrada
Gresham, OR
Project Purple