Sophie’s Diabetic Alert Dog (Medical Alert)
Many have followed Sophies story over the past 7 weeks that was very publicly shared on Facebook. Jacoby was picked up under covid regulations to be her Diabetic Alert Dog. She has been accessed by numerous professional dog trainers and because of her neglect and lack of training she cannot fulfill the role of what Sophie fund raised for. Jacoby was unfairly marketed as a dog that had 18 months of specialty training and scent work. The company that she has fund raised through has since shut their doors and does not return calls or emails. We have gotten legal advise and because of corporate barriers we were advised that we would spend more in attorney fees than what we would ever see back. We do however have her case reported to the state attorney general.
Sophie set a goal well over 18 months ago to have a Diabetic Alert Dog to help her manage her Type 1 Diabetes. A trained service dog has the ability to smell high and low blood sugars and alert her attention. Along with the ability to get her help if needed. Her grand idea was to sell dog treats. She did a great job spending weekends at events and doing vendor shows to reach her goal. She also had many generous donors that helped her.
I have been asked by many people to set this up for her to help her reach her goal with a local organization that was referred to our family from the very public posting of our situation. She will still be baking treats in the kitchen and we decided as a family that we are not giving up on something good coming out of this.
Thank you to so many for kind words, great suggestions and support. The sharing of her story has helped many families link together to gain strength against a terrible company that is taking advantage of children with special needs through out the US. It’s nearing 100 families so we are on a very long list of families that were promised a service dog with broken contracts.
Thank you to everyone for their support and having compassion for Sophie’s dream. We are working with a local service dog trainer to have Sophie’s new puppy Shadow trained be be her Diabetic Alert Dog. Shadow just turned 9 weeks old on Friday November 6th. Shadow is an English black lab that will receive 2 years of specialty training. If your interested in treats she has a Facebook page. Sophie’s Pet Treat Shop❤️ Thank you