Soporte Músicos
Donation protected
Despues de mas de 60 años de estar interpretado la música ancestral de mi país Colombia, nunca me imagine estar viviendo una realidad como estas causada por el coronavirus, que ha afectado al mundo entero y hasta me recuerda los tiempos de la guerra en Colombia, cuando aun era una niña.
Justo antes de entrar en la cuarentena, me encontraba tomando un descanso, para recargar pilas y retomar de nuevo nuestro trabajo, que es lo que me inspira y da felicidad. Estabamos listos para salir a Chile a realizar unos conciertos que por supuesto fueron cancelados.
Nosotros todos somos trabajadores independientes, dependemos totalmente de los ingresos de conciertos , que han sido organizados con 6 y hasta 1 año de antelación.
El panorama es muy incierto, por ello acudo al buen corazón de todos nuestros seguidores y pedir su ayuda para recolectar unos fondos que serán con el fin de apoyar a los integrantes de mi grupo, quienes tienen más de 5 meses sin trabajo y en Colombia no existe apoyo para nosotros los artistas.
Estos fondos los repartiremos entre ellos. Asi tendrán algo para sostentar a sus familias, pagar luz, arriendo, etc y aliviar un poco el estres que a causado todo este periodo de incertidumbre y esperamos pronto podamos estar de nuevo con ustedes, para trabajar nuevamente en lo que sabemos hacer, la música.
Porfavor donar lo que puedas y comparte con tus amigos que piensas puedan ayudar.
De todo corazon les agradesco. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.
Con amor Totó
P.S. Beneficiario mi manager John Hollis, quiénn se encargará de administrar los fondos.
After more than 60 years performing the ancestral music of my country Colombia, I never imagined I would be living a reality like this caused by the coronavirus, which has affected the entire world and even reminds me of the times of war in Colombia when I was a child.
Just before entering the quarantine period I was taking a break to recharge my batteries and resume our work, which is what most inspires me and gives me happiness. We were getting ready to leave for Chile to perform some concerts that of course were cancelled.
We are all independent workers, totally dependent on the income from concerts, which are organized between six months and a year in advance.
The panorama is very uncertain, so I am appealing to the good hearts of all our fans and asking for your help to collect some funds in order to support the members of my group, who have been without work for more than five months - in Colombia there is no support for us artists.
These funds will be divided among them. In this way they will have something to support their families, pay electricity, rent, etc and relieve a little of the stress that has been generated in this period of uncertainty. Hopefully soon we can be with you again, to work once more in what know best, the music.
If you are able please help by donating what you can. Also, please share it with anyone you think may be able to help.
With all my heart I thank you. The people united will never be defeated.
With love Totó
P.S. Beneficiary my manager John Hollis, who will be in charge of managing the funds.
Justo antes de entrar en la cuarentena, me encontraba tomando un descanso, para recargar pilas y retomar de nuevo nuestro trabajo, que es lo que me inspira y da felicidad. Estabamos listos para salir a Chile a realizar unos conciertos que por supuesto fueron cancelados.
Nosotros todos somos trabajadores independientes, dependemos totalmente de los ingresos de conciertos , que han sido organizados con 6 y hasta 1 año de antelación.
El panorama es muy incierto, por ello acudo al buen corazón de todos nuestros seguidores y pedir su ayuda para recolectar unos fondos que serán con el fin de apoyar a los integrantes de mi grupo, quienes tienen más de 5 meses sin trabajo y en Colombia no existe apoyo para nosotros los artistas.
Estos fondos los repartiremos entre ellos. Asi tendrán algo para sostentar a sus familias, pagar luz, arriendo, etc y aliviar un poco el estres que a causado todo este periodo de incertidumbre y esperamos pronto podamos estar de nuevo con ustedes, para trabajar nuevamente en lo que sabemos hacer, la música.
Porfavor donar lo que puedas y comparte con tus amigos que piensas puedan ayudar.
De todo corazon les agradesco. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.
Con amor Totó
P.S. Beneficiario mi manager John Hollis, quiénn se encargará de administrar los fondos.
After more than 60 years performing the ancestral music of my country Colombia, I never imagined I would be living a reality like this caused by the coronavirus, which has affected the entire world and even reminds me of the times of war in Colombia when I was a child.
Just before entering the quarantine period I was taking a break to recharge my batteries and resume our work, which is what most inspires me and gives me happiness. We were getting ready to leave for Chile to perform some concerts that of course were cancelled.
We are all independent workers, totally dependent on the income from concerts, which are organized between six months and a year in advance.
The panorama is very uncertain, so I am appealing to the good hearts of all our fans and asking for your help to collect some funds in order to support the members of my group, who have been without work for more than five months - in Colombia there is no support for us artists.
These funds will be divided among them. In this way they will have something to support their families, pay electricity, rent, etc and relieve a little of the stress that has been generated in this period of uncertainty. Hopefully soon we can be with you again, to work once more in what know best, the music.
If you are able please help by donating what you can. Also, please share it with anyone you think may be able to help.
With all my heart I thank you. The people united will never be defeated.
With love Totó
P.S. Beneficiary my manager John Hollis, who will be in charge of managing the funds.
Organizer and beneficiary
Toto La Momposina
John Hollis