THIS IS IT... Now till December 31st
Tax deductible
December 31st will determine the outcome for Rockstar Rescue
Dear Rockstar supporter,
At the beginning of November we told you of the hard times Rockstar has faced this year; Increased veterinary expenses, increased boarding expenses, increased cost of facility expenses, combined with decreased adoptions, decreased staff/volunteer help, and a major decrease in donations! It has all put Rockstar in a massive debt with no way out.
We realized we had to decide whether or not Rockstar could, or should, continue as a business, especially if we were just going to increase our debt and not be able to continue saving lives!
Therefore, we sent out a plea to help us stay afloat, and our donors STEPPED UP! Donating over $15,000 in the first three weeks! But quickly the donations stopped, and though we paid over $11,000 towards our debts, without continued donations, we're slowly slipping back into the same predicament.
We still need an estimated $10,000 to cover outstanding debts as a first step, to even continue going forward.
We KNOW times are tough, and it's the Holiday's, but if you donated in November, all we're asking is for a donation match for December. We know not everyone can, or will, but if we can raise our outstanding debt balance of $10,000, this will help us feel confidant to move forward into 2024.
We currently have 17 dogs in our care, seniors, special needs, mom's, and puppies alike. All depending on US to provide care and a loving forever home... LET'S NOT LET THEM DOWN!
Rockstar Rescue
Phoenix, AZ
Rockstar Canine Rescue & Sanctuary