The Harry and Eve Vickar Shelter for the NESPCA is in dire straits!
Due to the pandemic lock down, high mortgage rates and the current economy and inflation rates the shelter has come to the point that we may have to close our doors at the end of November. The Shelter has found homes for over 800 animals!
The need is great. Time is short. We have animals in need !
No donation is too small or too large. Major donors will receive mentions in our newsletter, our radio campaign, social media and our website.
We believe the Animal Shelter is a positive aspect for North East Saskatchewan. Our many volunteers and board members believe that providing pets and companions for the population serves an important purpose in Northeast Saskatchewan.
Your funds will be used to keep our shelter operating for the next year.
You may visit our website anytime and learn more. NESPCA
Official tax receipts will be offered for donations over $20
For more information please email [email redacted].
Bill Wood
Melfort, SK
North East SPCA