South American Indigenous Network Emergency Fund
Donation protected
Teia das 5 Curas: Covid-19 South American Indigenous Emergency Fund
This emergency fund will support Indigenous communities in South America who are part of the "Teia das 5 Curas" network. This network of Indigenous communities contributes to the Musagetes Foundation’s Towards Braiding program, reframing the arts as inseparable from practices of healing, wellbeing, and life-long and life-wide learning.
The Covid-19 emergency funds are administered by the Musagetes Foundation in Canada. In our last Covid-19 emergency fundraiser we raised $10,000 that were distributed to 5 communities ($2,000 each) who used the funds according to their priorities, mostly as seed funding for community projects related to health and food security. We now aim to raise another $40,000 to secure the continuity of these and other projects according to needs identified by the communities.
The network Teia das 5 Curas proposes a framework for global change that involves five dimensions of healing (5 curas): healing of the intellect, healing of the senses/feelings, healing of relations, healing of exchanges, and healing of cycles. To learn more about this, go to https://blogs.ubc.ca/teiadas5curas/ (Portuguese) or https://decolonialfutures.net/in-earths-care-dispositions/ (English).
The communities that will receive 100% of the funds are the following: Pitaguary de Monguba-CE, Funi-ô-PE, Tremembé da Barra do Mundau-CE, Pataxó-BA, and Huni kui-AC.
Towards Braiding is a program created and curated by Elwood Jimmy and Vanessa Andreotti to shape better generative relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. The principles of this work are described in the Towards Braiding book available here as a free download . The second book in that series is titled Towards Scarring the Collective Soul Wound, by Cash Ahenahew, available here . The PDFs of the books are available free of charge and the proceedings from the sales of hard copies are also donated to the communities.
Note: Musagetes will transfer 100% of the funds to the communities. Despite Musagetes’ charitable status in Canada, donations are not eligible for tax receipts due to regulations governing charitable giving.
Organizer and beneficiary
Towards Braiding
Guelph, ON
Musagetes Foundation