South Park's Blommel Park Playground!
Tax deductible
HUGE THANKS TO YOU ALL! We did it! Swings are ordered, to be installed in Sept/Oct! $ for trees is raised, to be planed in November. City will be installing benches later this year. Everything else is in!
We, as parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, and caregivers have cherished this park as a special place to bring our little ones to play, and for all of us to build community together. We are excited to continue making it ever more welcoming and attractive for kids and their families! (Click “more” to see pics!)
Phases 1 & 2 complete! (toddler climbing equipment, 2 spring riders, merry-go-round, balance beam, + rocket spinner)
Working on Phase 3 (ADA accessible swings + tandem swings) and planting some more trees!
The City is donating picnic tables and benches, so we don't have to purchase those.
*To avoid the 3.5% fee, you can write a check to Historic South Park Inc. and mail it to PO Box 3718 Dayton, OH 45401) **GoFundMe has a 17% OPTIONAL “tip.” You can decline the tip and still make a donation.

Fundraising team: Blommel Park Toddler Parents (5)
Katrina Badger
Dayton, OH
Historic South Park, Inc.
Maureen O'Rourke
Team member
Amanda Shestina
Team member
Jennifer Lenz
Team member
Sarah Morris
Team member