Help refugees in Moldova - Aide aux réfugiés
Donation protected
What are the needs ?
Tens of thousands of Ukrainians crossed the border into Moldova leaving everything behind. Tens of thousands will follow. If most head for neighboring Romania, many are staying. More than 300 people have already applied for asylum in Moldova in 2 days (against less than 100 in a year usually). The needs are huge. The Charity Center for Refugees needs money to finance among other things:
- food
- gasoline for transportation
- clothing and hygiene products
- health expenditure
These products will be distributed to asylum seekers and exiles in the temporary reception center as well as the other temporary centers established by the government.
What is the Charity Centre for Refugees ?
Moldova is a small, sparsely populated and very poor country. They usually host a small number of refugees and asylum seekers. Normally, they stay 6 months in a temporary reception center and during this time receive language lessons, help in finding a job and accommodation, and a little financial help. 8 full-time employees work at the center for refugees. It was created in 1999 by an Afghan exiled, Djavid Paknehad, who has since acquired Moldovan nationality and speaks Russian fluently. All employees of the center speak Russian and Romanian and mostly English. They work with the High Commissioner for Refugees and have been a recognized partner of the latter for a long time.
You can check all their work here
Who am I ?
My name is Anne-Laure, I am French and I volunteered for 9 months (from February to November 2021) at the Charity Center for Refugees (CCR), in the capital Chisinau. I worked at the center for 9 months. I am pictured on the homepage and listed as volunteers on the ccr.md site. I get along extremely well with the whole team and am keen to help them as best I can.
Why can't the Charity Centre for Refugees do itself the Gofundme ?
Gofundme only covers a limited selection of countries and does not cover Moldova. The Charity Center for Refugees does not have an account in the EU and therefore cannot raise funds directly. Any money raised by this pot will be paid directly to them by bank transfer as soon as a certain amount has been crossed. Details of expenses will be published in this gofundme.
Quels sont les besoins ?
Tens of thousands of Ukrainians crossed the border into Moldova leaving everything behind. Tens of thousands will follow. If most head for neighboring Romania, many are staying. More than 300 people have already applied for asylum in Moldova in 2 days (against less than 100 in a year usually). The needs are huge. The Charity Center for Refugees needs money to finance among other things:
- food
- gasoline for transportation
- clothing and hygiene products
- health expenditure
These products will be distributed to asylum seekers and exiles in the temporary reception center as well as the other temporary centers established by the government.
What is the Charity Centre for Refugees ?
Moldova is a small, sparsely populated and very poor country. They usually host a small number of refugees and asylum seekers. Normally, they stay 6 months in a temporary reception center and during this time receive language lessons, help in finding a job and accommodation, and a little financial help. 8 full-time employees work at the center for refugees. It was created in 1999 by an Afghan exiled, Djavid Paknehad, who has since acquired Moldovan nationality and speaks Russian fluently. All employees of the center speak Russian and Romanian and mostly English. They work with the High Commissioner for Refugees and have been a recognized partner of the latter for a long time.
You can check all their work here
Who am I ?
My name is Anne-Laure, I am French and I volunteered for 9 months (from February to November 2021) at the Charity Center for Refugees (CCR), in the capital Chisinau. I worked at the center for 9 months. I am pictured on the homepage and listed as volunteers on the ccr.md site. I get along extremely well with the whole team and am keen to help them as best I can.
Why can't the Charity Centre for Refugees do itself the Gofundme ?
Gofundme only covers a limited selection of countries and does not cover Moldova. The Charity Center for Refugees does not have an account in the EU and therefore cannot raise funds directly. Any money raised by this pot will be paid directly to them by bank transfer as soon as a certain amount has been crossed. Details of expenses will be published in this gofundme.
Quels sont les besoins ?
Des dizaines de milliers d'Ukrainiens ont franchi la frontière avec la Moldavie en laissant tout derrière eux. Des dizaines de milliers suivront. Si la plupart partout pour la Roumanie voisine, beaucoup restent. Plus de 300 personnes ont déjà demandé l'asile en Moldavie en 2 jours (contre moins de 100 en un an habituellement). Les besoins sont immenses. Nous avons besoin d'argent pour financer entre autres :
- nourriture
- essence pour le transport
- vêtements et produits d'hygiène
- dépenses de santé
Ces produits seront distribués aux demandeurs d'asile et exilés dans le centre d'accueil temporaire ainsi que les autres centres provisoires établis par le gouvernement.
Qu'est-ce que le Centre Caritatif pour les Réfugiés ?
La Moldavie est un petit pays, peu peuplé et très pauvre. Ils accueillent généralement un petit nombre de réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile. En temps normal, ceux-ci restent 6 mois dans un centre d'accueil temporaire et reçoivent pendant ce temps des cours de langue, une aide pour trouver un emploi et un logement, une petite aide financière. 8 employés à temps plein travaillent au centre pour les réfugiés. Celui-ci a été créé en 1999 par un exilé afghan, Djavid Paknehad, qui a depuis acquis la nationalité moldave et parle russe couramment. Tous les employés du centre parlent russe et roumain et pour la plupart anglais. Ils travaillent avec le Haut Commissariat aux Réfugiés et sont un partenaire reconnu de celui-ci depuis longtemps.
Qui suis-je ?
Je m'appelle Anne-Laure, je suis française et j'ai été volontaire pendant 9 mois (de février à novembre 2021) au Centre Caritatif pour les Réfugiés (CCR), dans la capitale Chisinau. J'ai travaillé au centre pendant 9 mois. Je suis en photo sur la page d'accueil et listée dans les volontaires sur le site ccr.md. Je m'entends extrêmement bien avec toute l'équipe et ait à cœur de les aider du mieux que je peux.
Pourquoi le Centre ne fait pas de Gofundme directement ?
Gofundme ne couvre qu'une sélection limitée de pays et ne couvre pas la Moldavie. Le Centre caritatif pour les réfugiés n'a pas de compte en UE et ne peut donc pas récolter des fonds directement. Tout argent récolté par cette cagnotte leur sera reversé directement par transfert bancaire dès qu'un certain montant aura été franchi. Les détails des dépenses seront publiés dans ce gofundme.
Anne-Laure Joubaire
Laval, B5