Ryan and Stephanie Adopt
Ryan and I started dating my senior year of high school. Within a year of dating we knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and started dreaming of our future. Having a family was something we greatly looked forward to. In 2008 we got married, and two years later we started trying to have children. For five years we tried to have kids with no success. We started seeing a wonderful doctor but each month we'd have new setbacks. It was a really long and trying time for us. It was finally determined that IVF was our only option and we felt the weight of that decision.
We spent a great deal of time praying that God guide us down the right path. Two days before we were set to begin meeting with the doctor about proceeding with IVF, God told us that was not His plan for us and we found ourselves a little lost as we abandoned the road that we had been working so hard on for so long.
After several months more of prayer and many little signs along the way, we found God calling us back towards parenthood but this time through adoption, domestic infant adoption to be precise. We are very excited to get connected with a birth mom and at long last meet our little one and bring them home.
We've been sharing our story through infertility online for over a year and there are so many amazing people who have been supporting us. This avenue of growing our family is going to have it's own struggles, and again we find ourselves needing your support.
We are working on multiple options for helping us raise this money. Right now we are offering the option to donate here, as well as t-shirt sales and mini session photos. The money that we raise will help to cover the various costs throughout our adoption process. These include the cost of our home study, the adoption facilitator fees, our travel costs when we go to pick up our child, the lawyer who will finalize the adoption, and whatever expenses we need to help cover for the birth mom along the way among others. We know we might not reach our goal but any little bit we can raise will certainly help!
Thank you for all you continue to do with us and for us - we are immensely grateful for your love and generosity.
Read about our infertility journey on my blog here: http://www.greentreemediaonline.com/wordpress/category/life/our-baby-journey/
View our adoption site at: