Spay and neuter 150 stray animals in Mexico
Donation protected
EDIT: since we reached the goal and exceeded it in just a few hours, I am raising the goal to $10,000. I didn't think we could do it, but we might!! And with $10K, Mateo will be able to feed all his rescues until March, and pay all his outstanding vet bills, on top of spaying/neutering 150 stray animals, vaccinating them and giving them emergency vet care as needed. THANK YOU EVERYONE and please, consider sharing so we can reach our goal!
Back in 2018, I visited Riviera Rescue in Mexico (remember Frida?). I’ve been following and supporting Mateo ever since. He does remarkable work. Last year we helped him build a shelter, and I am hoping we can continue supporting his life-saving efforts.
Back in 2018, I visited Riviera Rescue in Mexico (remember Frida?). I’ve been following and supporting Mateo ever since. He does remarkable work. Last year we helped him build a shelter, and I am hoping we can continue supporting his life-saving efforts.
Mateo is organizing a big spay/neuter campaign in a small Mayan village. The village is far from everything, and people there are living in difficult conditions, on minimum wages. Obviously there is no local vet, and they have lots of stray animals, which leads to a lot of suffering. Mateo is dedicated to making a difference for the village and its animals. And we can help him!
On October 23-24, Mateo aims to spay/neuter 300 animals. A sponsor is covering the cost for half of that, and I would love for us to cover the rest.
We need to raise $4,500 to spay/neuter 150 animals.
Any money we raise beyond that, will be used to help Mateo with food (he recently ran out so I’d love to cover a few months for him: $500 covers 1 month of food). He also has an outstanding vet bill of $3,000, so it would be awesome to cover that too.
My dream goal is therefore:
$4,500 for the spay/neuter
$3,000 to cover outstanding vet bills
$2,500 to buy Mateo enough dog food to last until March 2022
= $10,000
Thank you!
Here are some of the dogs from that Village, which Mateo has been helping:
Mateo and Sophie in New York in 2018.
Riviera Rescue is a Mexican non-profit organization committed to Rescuing, Rehabilitating & Re-homing abused dogs in the Riviera Maya, México. Follow them on Facebook or Instagram .
Sophie Gamand is an award-winning artist and animal advocate using her platform to speak for at-risk dogs around the globe. Read more on her website .

Sophie Gamand
Los Angeles, CA