Special Needs Children's book
Donation protected

Hello! My name is Jessie Lewis, and I am a freshman at Mercer University. I am studying to obtain a Special Education and Early Childhood Education degree. I have always loved working with children, and I want to do everything that I can to help students follow their dreams! Throughout my high school career, I taught swim lessons to a girl with severe autism and I organized a program to teach swim lessons to impoverished children in my community. Now, in college, I am volunteering with the Boys and Girls Club of Central Georgia.
During my junior year of high school, I volunteered in a behavior unit at Britton Elementary school in Columbus, OH. The most heart-wrenching moment during that time was when a 7-year-old threw a chair at me because I wouldn't let him punch another child. It was extremely sad because this child didn't know how to handle his emotions in a non-violent way. So, I wrote the book, Spunktacular and Special School Supplies in hopes that I can help all children with behavior disabilities learn to handle their emotions and for peers to learn how to help them.
I am looking for funds to publish this text. I am hoping to be able to publish about 1000 copies, one for every public elementary school in the state of Georgia, so I would need about $4000 to publish those copies. I am also looking for another $1000 to pay for illustrations for the book. I am hoping to gather the funds by April, so that way I can have the books ready for the start of school in the fall!
Anything at all that you can give will be so helpful! Thanks for all your help!
For more information about me, my experiences, and Spunktacular and Special School Supplies visit my website a jessieslearningexpress.weebly.com go to the senior capstone page to read the book!
Also, you can watch a video of me reading the book at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8voIPsI8XPc&t=1s
Jessie Lewis
Hilliard, OH