Specialist Veterinary Care For Neva Cat
Donation protected
Update: Adrenal gland tumour likely, looking at $3k plus for CT and surgery.
My gorgeous cat Neva is seriously ill and needs specialist surgery. Our story:
1. Neva needs urgent medical care.
2. Neva's story.
3. Why I need financial help.
4. How much will it cost.
5. Photos of Neva!

1. The Situation:
My 15-year-old (16 next March) floofy soul mate Neva is seriously ill. After two weeks of illness and half a dozen vet visits, including emergency and a day on IV fluids, I've run out of savings and she's not getting better. I can't let her suffer for lack of funds.
Two weeks ago, Neva suddenly became very ill and rapidly deteriorated over a few days. I rushed her to the local vet. Neva's weight had dropped to 2kg! The vets talked about euthanasia, but I refused. A night on medication didn't work and I took her back for tests. Bloods showed Neva's Feline Thyroid Panel (TSH) was severely hyperthyroid, a shocking 241. We started her on Thyronorm, with the plan to check her other concerning symptoms once we had her thyroid settled. A few more vet visits later and her TSH is now normal. Unfortunately, she continued to be ill with kidney disease symptoms. She barely ate, the diarrhoea continued, and she was not improving. Because of the sudden onset of illness, it indicates a more serious underlying issue. Ultrasounds show a mass near her left kidney. We need further tests to determine what the mass is, why her intestinal wall is thickened, and why she remains seriously ill and isn't responding to medications. This will be biopsy by a specialist surgeon, with hospital stay.
With the biopsy and specialist consult, I can make informed decisions for Neva's care. Being informed is the most important thing, because not knowing is making care extremely difficult and making the situation very stressful.

2. Neva's story:
I adopted Neva in 2009 when she was barely a year old from the Lort Smith Animal Shelter. Or rather, she adopted me! She'd been found lost and injured -- one eye had to be surgically removed. She shied away from every potential adopter, but when I walked in the room her eye lit up -- she wouldn't stop meowing at me. And still hasn't stopped! It was an instant imprint and she's been by my side for almost 15 years. Her favourite spot is on my shoulder and on my desk watching me write and draw. She's a gorgeous cat, with a sassy attitude to match. 15 years ago I dreamed of being one of those "author with a cat." The author dream hasn't happened, but I do have the cat -- and there's still time.
3. Why I need financial help:
We've had a rough year. After losing my job last Christmas, I spent January and February unemployed. I did food couriering to keep my head above water. We then survived a house fire (saved by the smoke alarms!) but lost most of my possessions. It was an electrical fault in the kitchen, which I had reported but the landlord had refused to repair. They then increased the rent! I lost my civil case against the landlord and had to move out, but the rental availability crisis made it tough. I couldn't find a new home in time, and we've been couch/spare room surfing with relatives while I struggle with rental applications. My mother has also just finished chemo for Stage 4 lymphoma, and I've been caring for my parents. And now I've been hit by Neva's illness. This is the worst timing and we need some good news and a little hope.
All of this drained my savings dry. And since Neva became sick, I've spent what little was left of my savings on vets and medication. To make matters worse, I don't get paid leave and I've had to take a lot of time off work.
4. How much will it cost.
For now I'm asking for $1500, but I might need to raise that after we see the specialist and know what we're up against. I've been quoted by CARE Veterinary Hospital in Collingwood $200 for the consult and a minimum $1800 for the biopsy, tests and hospital stay. I'm assuming it will be upwards of $3000 or more. Another vet hospital has quoted similar. I can post copies of the quotes when I receive them. I think I'll be okay with half of it -- finding a rental apartment and other things can wait until next year.
I never ask for help, and always regret not doing so when it's too late. I'm determined not let pride get in the way of Neva. I don't know how long she'll be with us, but I don't want her to suffer. I have enough regrets in life without adding one more.
I can't thank you enough. I'll update regularly, and any excess funds will be refunded or given to a local shelter charity to help others in need.

^ Neva aged 1, the week I adopted her from Lort Smith Animal Hospital, North Melbourne Australia. She'd been found on the streets lost and injured, and the vet had to remove an eye.

^ From a beaten, lost kitten to a beautiful, sassy, curious lady.

^ Nev's favourite spot is sitting next to me while I write or draw, pawing at the pencils and chirping encouragement.

Rick Gned
Koornalla, VIC