Speedway seniors signs
Donation protected
UPDATE******SOOOO...wanted to give everyone an update: WE REACHED OUR GOAL FOR THE SIGNS IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS!! SPEEDWAY FOLKS ARE AMAZING!!!!!! SO SOMEONE MENTIONED ANOTHER IDEA! (THANK YOU DENNIS HAMMER-who's involved with the "If you grew up in Speedway" facebook page) Dennis suggested that we open up the funding, and organize a "Senior Bash" by having a huge cookout in one of the Speedway Parks. Anything above the $1700 we need for signs, will go for the Bash. He wants to get the Speedway restaurants and business' involved for donations as well! Since we already reached 1 goal, and there are several parents, alumni, and residents who want to contribute, so i will open up our funding and see how we can really pull off something fabulous for our 2020 SENIORS! So we also had a suggestion of Scholarships for Speedway Seniors. If anyone has connections or contributions to help pull this off, please let me know, and I will coordinate with Dennis so we can all have a hand in this...OUR COMMUNITY IS THE BEST! That's why so many want to live here. :-) IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!
As we all know, this awful virus has stolen all our Speedway Seniors limelight....NO PROM, NO GRADUATION and nothing to show all their hardwork. The track & field coaches have had signs made for all the seniors on their teams and posted them on Crawfordsville Road. I say we do this for ALL OUR SENIORS. I am starting this GO FUND ME account so we can all pitch in and make our Seniors feel special and know they are NOT forgotten, and that they ALL are special! Come on all you Speedway Parents & alumni...Let's light up our town with all our Seniors pictures! the funds will be used strictly for personalized signs for each of our Seniors! GO PLUGS!
As we all know, this awful virus has stolen all our Speedway Seniors limelight....NO PROM, NO GRADUATION and nothing to show all their hardwork. The track & field coaches have had signs made for all the seniors on their teams and posted them on Crawfordsville Road. I say we do this for ALL OUR SENIORS. I am starting this GO FUND ME account so we can all pitch in and make our Seniors feel special and know they are NOT forgotten, and that they ALL are special! Come on all you Speedway Parents & alumni...Let's light up our town with all our Seniors pictures! the funds will be used strictly for personalized signs for each of our Seniors! GO PLUGS!
Candace Dillon
Indianapolis, IN