Spencer Nitchie’s Memorial Fund
Appealing to Friends of Spencer Nitche and Tara Boyle~ Nitchie
Dear friends and family from Annapolis, Martha’s Vineyard, the Irish music and traditional music scene and Banjo Newsletter fans,
Life has dealt a harsh hand to the Nitchie family. For the last couple of months Spencer has been in and out of the hospital with complications of pancreatic and liver cancer and Tara is working full time on his care, with help from his sister Emily, his brother Donald, daughter Sophia, aunt Jane Huntington, and Tara’s family too. It takes a village to fight cancer and this village needs help from our friends
It has been a struggle financially for the last few months and Spencer may have to shut down his main source of income - The Banjo Newsletter- that his father, Hub Nitchie, started and he and his brother Donald published for many years. Finances were already strained because Covid prevented Spencer from playing his usual Irish music gig at Galway Bay in Annapolis where he played fiddle, flute and banjo.
We want his final days/weeks/months to be taken care of and stress free at least financially so we are appealing to your generosity to give any amount you can to cover medical and living expenses.
Cancer is cruel and so is health insurance. They have lots of out of network expenses and living expenses while income has dropped dramatically.
Our goal is $50,000.
More info:
The Banjo Newsletter (an instructional magazine), started by Spencer’s dad, Hub, in the 70’s and carried on by Spencer and his brother Donald since the 90’s, may have to come to an end. The pain and complications of Spencer’s illness have made even climbing the stairs to his home office impossible. Without Spencer the magazine may not be able to go on, and the whole family is feeling this sad loss of their legacy. Spencer’s wife Tara is on hiatus from her own work in order to care for Spencer, and take on navigating the medical system.
With gratitude in our hearts we are asking our large extended family of friends, family and BNL subscribers if you will help us with whatever you can spare towards insurance, medical bills and unforeseen expenses.