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Emergency Spine surgery for Špela Urbanc

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11.10.2020 was the day that my life decided to take me trough a big challenge of personal transformation. It went quite hardcore on me. Let me share my story.
I live in Bali, and during this pandemic financial crisis, the crimes sadly increased. And I was a victim of that unfortunate incident. I was driving home from a morning market where I buy my fruits and veggies, I was wearing a backpack and in the hand-side pocket I had my phone. I was maybe 1 or 2 km from my home, when two men on a motorbike came really close to me, bikes were touching and one of them reached into my pocket, grabbed my phone and drove off. It all happened so fast that I was in shock and couldn't react differently at that moment. I pulled the brakes and hit into a tree that was in front of me, during the fall I twisted my back and couldn't move. I was in shock and trauma, I screamed for help, and slowly after one hour of laying on the floor, waiting and making the decision, they put me on a truck and carried me into my bed. I thought I would be fine, that I just strained some muscles and that it will heal on its own in time.. I knew that I don't have any kind of insurance and was hoping for the best. I had a lot of support from my friends, who had to help me to go to the toilet and shower me, feed me, and even put the diaper on me at one point to pee in, because the pain was just to big for me being able to get out of bed. Luckily I have friends who are healers around me who all supported me and helped me to go trough this hard times. I thank you all, this wouldn't be possible without you My osteopath advised me to get some scans done because I was not responding to the treatment as I should. And as we did the scans the doctor told me that I have a fractured vertebra T12 and that its unstable. Day by day I tried to collect different opinions and reach out to different doctors. Days went by so fast and there is just so little that I could do in a day with the amount of energy that I was left. Its a month later now and I finally got some closure. I need to do the thing I was most afraid of. They told me that I need surgery ASAP, before the bone heals completely in order to safe my nerve that is captured in a spine canal that is 50-60% narrowed. if that nerve would get even more damaged, I could loose my ability to walk or feel my lower part of the body. Yes its scary, and yes I regret that I didn't have the insurance, and I learned a lot from all of this. I learned how it is like when you literally cant do anything by yourself, i learned how to accept help, i learned how to be vulnerable and open, and I learned how to appreciate the little things, like walking, sitting or standing. It already shaped me, it changed my soul purpose. I know when I will be back on my feet I will focus on giving back to the people who are in difficult situations. I just cherish so much how the community, family, friends step together and support you in the best way they can, when you are in a fragile state, and I know not everyone is that fortunate. Trough my experience I've learned to give more. And I want to start as soon as possible, also outside this bed. So I am asking for help to collect the needed resources to be able to go trough this surgery and recovery. I am still searching for a trustworthy surgeon who would do it. Yes I am scared but I am also learning to trust and believe that the universe has a plan for me. And that this is my next step towards complete recovery. If your heart tells you too support my journey in anyway possible I will be more than grateful. May it flow back into your life just with as much heart and love as you gifted it to me Thank you.

I wrote this message, and now I am letting my friends to create this site for me.. I like to write my soul out and they will help to write the facts, which I am not so good at, and add my scans.  

I decided to raise money for my younger sister who is in Bali at the moment in very difficult situation. I haven't seen her for more then 4 years and just as I wanted to visit her in Bali this COVID happened and I couldn't.  One month ago she had an accident. She is literally stuck in bed and she shouldn't be moving at all as it is very risky. She needs surgery asap. She has spoken to one good surgeons and he is waiting for her to get money. She also will need money for recovery and therapies after and as she has been already in bed for a month and has to cover previous expenses although she is surrounded by some very good people who help her so much. I love her so much and I want to see her again. It's sensitive topic spine surgery and it's not a small thing. Please if you have a spare dollar to help her get this operation done as soon as possible as her bone is now hardening in wrong way and could be a dangerous thing for her life. She is a beautiful soul who like to travel around. With your help she will be able to walk again and share her talent around the world. Spela is a talented photographer and a healer. 

This is us few years ago.. I love you sis, you're going to make it <3 

Janja Jenko (Spela Urbanc sister) 

Odlocila sem se da ustvarim fundraising z namenom zbrati cimvec denarja in cimhitreje za mojo sestro Spelo Urbanc. Trenutno se nahaja na Baliju, kjer je imela nesreco 1 mesec nazaj in mora pod nujno iti na operacijo hrbtenice. Moje sestre nisem vidla ze 4 leta in bi jo res rada vsaj se enkrat v zivljenju in prezivela nekaj kvalitetnega casa z njo. Zato res prosim vse ce imate dodaten evro za pomoc da lahko cimhitreje pride do dobrega kvalitetnega kirurga na Baliju in uspesne operacije. Kost se je zacela zarascati napacno in res nujno rabi operacijo, kajti lahko jo stane zivljenja, saj je tudi zivec vkljescen.Cisto tocnega zneska nimamo se ker se ne ve se koliko bo potrebno za rehabilitacijo in okrevanje. Lezi pa ze cel mesec v postelji in so se nabrali ze stroski za nazaj, ceprav je obdana s krasnimi ljudmi, ki ji zelo pomagajo iti cez te traume. 

Tudi sama je napisala par besed spodaj:  

11.10.2020 je bil dan ko se mi je v trenutku, življenje obrnilo na glavo. Naj delim svojo zgodbo. Sem Špela, preprosto dekle, polno optimizma, dobre volje, ljubezni in upanja v lepo prihodnost, ki je svoje trenutno mesto za ustvarjanje našla na Baliju, v mestecu Ubud. Vendar pa je moje popotovanje in bivanje na tem prečudovitem otoku prekinila tatvina sredi belega dne, ki se je zaključila s poškodbo moje hrbtenice... Na vas se obračam s posebno prošnjo, potrebujem pomoč dobrih ljudi. Omenjenega dne sem bila oropana med samo vožnjo domov z motorjem iz jutranje tržnice. Zaradi incidenta sem izgubila nadzor nad vozilom in med tem sem pri padcu doživela hudo poškodbo hrbtenice. Zdravniki so mi rekli, da potrebujem nujno operacijo, da zaščitim živec, ki je stisnjen zaradi zloma. Ta živec je tisti, ki se odloča ali bom hodila ali ne in da bi hodila, živec potrebuje prostor, da si bo opomogel in ponovno deloval kot mora. Zdravnik, ki me je obravnaval na Baliju pravi, da potrebujem operacijo, dobila sem tudi drugo mnenje zdravnikov v Sloveniji, ki prav tako pravijo, da potrebujem operacijo čim prej, ter da odsvetujejo let z letalom nazaj domov, saj bi lahko pot pustila trajne posledice in ne bi več hodila, kar pomeni, da moram ostati tu in biti operirana tukaj. Operacija in okrevanje staneta približno 20.000 €, zato se obračam na vse dobre ljudi, ki se jih bo moja zgodba dotaknila. Pomagate lahko tako, da na enega od spodaj navedenih računov prispevate kolikor je v vaši moči. Čeprav sem obkrožena s čudovito družino in prijatelji, pa je znesek prevelik, da bi mi lahko pomagali sami in potrebujem še dodatno pomoč. Navajena sem sama poskrbeti zase in težko je prositi za pomoč, a sem nemočna. Prosim za vaše razumevanje in podporo. Vsem se že vnaprej neskončno zahvaljujem in želim da se vam ta denar povrne v najlepši možni obliki. O vseh dogajanjih vas bom sproti obveščala v kolikor bo v moji moči, oz. Bodo to zame v prvih dneh naredili prijatelji, ki vas bodo obveščali o okrevanju, tako da boste imeli vpogled v to, kako je bil vaš prispevek pomemben za moje življenje. Hvala.


  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 4 yrs


Janja Jenko
Bli Bli, QLD

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