Sponsor Hair Shave 28th December
Hi my name is Evelyn Suttie, age 68 and I have been diagnosed with
Terminal Stage 4 Pancreatic and Liver Cancer.
I'm going to be doing a Hair shave on 28th December before all my hair falls out due to the Chemotherapy which I start on Friday 13th December
To raise money for Cancer Card and amazing charity that gives great support to me and my family, they give you a Cancer Card comfort box (as seen in photo) to help me get through my Chemotherapy adventure.
I want to thank my partner and my family and friends whom have been supporting me through this horrendous Cancer.
But I will not be giving into this illness I promise to fight it all the way.
I know it's so near christmas but please any money goes a long way for these wonderful guys to make it a bit easier.
I will put up a video when Cody shaves my hair .
Well second Chemotherapy tomorrow Friday 20th, all is looking good, then Saturday 28th I'm doing my hair shave at
Cody Shaws north high street Musselburgh at 12 oclock