Sponsored Dog Walk for AfghanAid
After 20 years of fighting in Afghanistan, August 31st 2021 was the day America evacuated its troops and all allied forces (including the UK) followed as well. The increased air strikes and raids targeting the Taliban made no difference as they started making territorial gains. The Taliban stated that they would be more inclusive of women’s rights and people from other ethnicities, yet this still hasn’t become 100% true yet.
In support of Afghanistan, I have decided to donate all the money I raise through my charity event, to AfghanAid. They ‘respond to emergency assistance where needed,supporting families who have lost their homes and livelihoods as a result of the conflict and helping communities get through this difficult time’. Throughout the last 3 years where the takeover has been brewing, AfghanAid has distributed 41,500 emergency food packages to the vulnerable, supported 24,900 farmers to grow food to feed their families, 530 villages supplied with water pumps and much much more.
I personally believe that the money I raise through my charity event will be put to the best use if I donate it to AfghanAid due to the fact they help the majority of those suffering. I would like to make an impact not only within my school community, but also around Essex as the issues in Afghanistan are extremely important to me.
The charity event I have decided to run is a sponsored dog walk which I am hoping to hold on Saturday 5th February 2022. This dog walk won’t be extremely long as I know not all dogs can walk ridiculously far! It will be great fun and there will be stands for food and drinks and also treats for the dogs!
Izzy Harkins