Little Hadham Primary School Sponsored Skip 2B Fit
Please Help Our Village School Playground!
We believe that encouraging children to move their bodies is important not only to their physical health but for their mental health and cognitive development too. Therefore, we’re holding a safe, fun and sporty fundraiser for the school over a 4 week period and would love for as many pupils as possible to join in.
Specifically this fundraiser is to help raise enough money to purchase Wooden Monkey Bars and a Loose Parts Storage Unit for our school playground.
As you know last term our children (and teachers!) took part in a Skip 2 Be Fit workshop. Since then the children have been upskilling their skipping and improving their scores. Now of course we want some healthy competition.
*** A BIG BIG thank you so much to everyone in advance, we already know we have an amazingly supportive community.***
Small schools like Little Hadham are under considerable threat. Help to keep us viable so we can continue to serve proudly our diverse, beautiful, spirited community.
(Don't forget to tick gift aid so that we recieve an extra 25p for every £1 you donate!)
Friends of Little Hadham Primary School